
I am Savion Shoykhet. I have just recently graduated from James Madison highschool. I’m now a student at City Tech and I am majoring in data science. Both of my parents are from Ukraine. They immigrated to America 20 plus years ago. My dad is also into computer programming and also majored in computer science and my mom had been a nurse before I was even born. Even though both my parents came from Ukraine, I am a Russian Jew. I can speak Russian very well but I can’t read or write at all. I took Russian class in highschool but it is a very hard language to learn. Russian letters are just sounds so it was a lot harder to understand. I am also jewish. My parents took me to Israel a few times when I was younger. Being over there made me more curious about my culture and its background. I remember I was so young I didn’t even know what the holocaust was until we went to a museum in israel and my dad explained it all to me. 

I also have an older brother Brandon. He is 12 years older than me and also finished college with a computer science major at Hunter college. I think he actually started with a medical major but switched. He is now married and moved out. My major is definitely inspired from my dad and brother but it does have a twist to it. I think Data science is something we are seeing more and more of these days. All the new AI systems that we now have I feel like data science will be on a rise these next few years. I don’t know exactly what I want to work for but I think as I go on in college I will get closer to that answer. 

Something I used to love doing for fun was ride my bike. It was a whole era in New York. It’s called bikelife and I remember I got my bike right when it was on a rise in 2019. This company called SE bikes was on a huge rise during 2019-2022. They made these huge cool looking BMX bikes that so many people loved. This whole bikelife thing kind of started because of them. People would host these huge rideouts in NYC where 100s of people on these bikes would just meet up and ride through the boroughs. Yes the boroughs we would literally go on bridges and highways with our bikes. It definitely has died down now but I still see a lot people riding through the city inspiring the next young generation.  I also used to play football but I decided to retire after I fractured my ankle. It was probably the smallest fracture ever but it was enough for me. These days all I do for fun is make sure I’m all caught up with my work so I don’t feel disoriented. I am actually kind of excited and nervous for my college future but I can’t wait to see what’s there.

2 thoughts on “Intro—Savion”

  1. When I was younger, I used to love to ride my bike. I also don’t really do much now but go to work and do my homework, so I’m not behind in any class. I’m also super excited for my future in college, and I wonder what’s in store for me.

  2. I used to bike a lot when I was younger and then I stopped once I was in 4th grade to roughly 8th grade. But over quarantine, I decided to go out and bike around my neighborhood in North Carolina since there was nothing to do at home and then slowly I decided to start biking around the city with a citi bike. It’s pretty fun.

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