RAB Proposal Paragraph — Lisa

My research question is:  How has the CV pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility?  This topic interests me because I am Chinese American.  When the pandemic began in NYC in March, I witnessed New Yorkers treat Asians as if they were dangerous infectious people.  President Trump is not helping the situation.  He continues to refer to the virus as the “Chinese virus” or the “King Fu Flu” or the “Chinese Plague” spreading divisive sentiment and encouraging prejudice and racism.  I know that the virus was first detected in Wuhan China, but the truth is that the virus effects all people across all racial, income, and national divides.  I read news reports that Asian Americans are being targeted and even violently attacked.  I want to find out how Asian Americans are defending themselves against these hurtful verbal and physical attacks.  I want to find out how the Asian community – all Asian Americans not just Chinese in America — is banding together to combat the prejudice.   Also because I am a teacher and a parent, I want to know how Asian American youths are experiencing this prejudice.  Also I might research how the pandemic has effected Asian and Chinese businesses.

MLA Citations for 2 Sources that I found (in alphabetical order):

Tavernise, Sabrina, and Richard A. Oppel.  “Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked:  Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety.” The New York Times 23 Mar 2020. The New York Times. Web. 29 Mar 2020.  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/23/us/chinese-coronavirus-racist-attacks.html

Yang, Andrew. “We Are Not the Virus But We Can Be Part of the Cure.” 1 Apr 2020 The Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 2 Apr 2020.  www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/01/andrew-yang-coronavirus-discrimination/

Here are 2 more sources:

CV Infected My High School (NYT op-doc video)

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