Title: Writing Task Between Two Worlds – Asghar Ali Khan.

The huge part of my educational journey was my parent and myself. In high school. I was a very shy boy. I didn’t talk to anyone in my class the first day. I didn’t know what was going on most of the time in class, but I was so encouraged to learn because I didn’t ask a lot of questions or ask the teacher for help. This carried me through in my freshman year. I was afraid of asking questions in class in front of students, I really was a good learner through middle and not many friends to help me through everything. I was every participate. I told my parent that the first day was I bit awful, but I didn’t say much. But later, I got friends to support me and in high school I was the second student to outrun the high school which made me gone through a lot of stuff like pressuring my dream to become a software engineer.

In my Senior year, I wasn’t the same person anymore because I was smart and delicate person. I started to help other freshman students to make sure they will be fine even till this day I still help them. When I started talk more to the teacher, they all knew I wasn’t shy or scared from taking and most likely I was giving speech and presentation. I was passing my exams, homework. My parents were so happy that I was passing my class. When my high school year was at its peek and it made me realize that you can pressure anything by putting your mind into it.my teach had some saying about me.

3 thoughts on “Title: Writing Task Between Two Worlds – Asghar Ali Khan.”

  1. BIG PROBLEM: What you write here DOES NOT address the writing prompt. WHAT ARE THE TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS YOU MOVE BETWEEN?

    GO BACK and read the Announcement where HW6 is announced. Read the Writing Prompt CAREFULLY. Read Between Two Worlds post by Student Amadou that I posted as an example.

  2. You have to make crystal clear: What are the two worlds you are operating between?

    I think you have written something different. I see that you are writing about a change that happened from freshman year [? you need that detail] in your senior year to being more confidant and participating more and seeking out teachers’ help.

    Dig into your memory — Can you SHOW me a scene of that first day or the best memory you have of when ,where, how you were the shy reserved scared student the old Ali. THEN what were the steps in changing you? Were there any specific events that marked this change into the confidant, participating, student you became in senior year? Was there an important conversation with a teacher or counselor? Did you join a club that gave you confidance?

    Need Scenes and Dialogue.

    Think of making an outline to map our the events that show your progress to the more confidant Ali.

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