Writing task between two worlds-Divine Laurencin

A major part in my educational journey is my family as a whole and my teachers.Also I have to include myself because at the end of the day it all depended on me to make things happen.I realized that school for me was ok, but at the same I didn’t like it.So What I did was I got the best out of it which was enjoying the fun things they had and talking.My teachers help me to understand the topic.My family helped me by making sure that I needed to know how to do the basic things in order to have a job that i learn in school.

During my early years in school I had a lot of fun.But Later in the years things changed to the point where it wasn’t fun anymore.I had got older and matured so the crazy things that I did before i don’t do them anymore.Also I learned to more independent on my own.There is only two sides of me ,and they are the good side of me and the bad side.To balance that out I needed to make sure that I know right from wrong.The two worlds that I move between is the professional language that I use for school ,and other important places, so people can respect me. The street slang is something I use when i’m in the hood because I am comfortable and grew up with it.

1 thought on “Writing task between two worlds-Divine Laurencin”

  1. This sentence does not make sense DMS; A major part in my educational journey is my family as a whole and my teachers. [A family and teachers are not a part in a journey.]

    BIG PROBLEM: What you write here DOES NOT address the writing prompt. WHAT ARE THE TWO DIFFERENT WORLDS YOU MOVE BETWEEN?

    GO BACK and read the Announcement where HW6 is announced. Read the Writing Prompt CAREFULLY. Read Between Two Worlds post by Student Amadou that I posted as an example.

    Grade = 0

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