Reading Response RWL and FDouglass — Michael

Part A: 

One thing I think that is important is that writers don’t tell you there is a specific way to read their writing. This usually happens in college but when this happens, it makes the reader have a hard time reading. In the text it states “ He or she may not even tell you that you’re supposed to read this way. This is because most writing instructors are so focused on teaching writing that they forget to show students how they want them to read.” This shows that the way you write affects the way someone reads it. Every word is very important and does play a big role.  

Part B: 

“I often found myself regretting my own existence, and wishing myself dead; and but for the hope of being free, I have no doubt but that I should have killed myself, or done something for which I should have been killed. While in this state of mind, I was eager to hear anyone speak of slavery .I was a ready listener. Every little while, I could hear some‐thing about the abolitionists. It was some time before I found what the word meant. It was always used in such connections as to make it an interesting word to me. If a slave ran away and succeeded in getting clear, or if a slave killed his master, set fire to a barn, or did anything very wrong in the mind of a slaveholder, it was spoken of as the fruit of abolition. Hearing the word in this connection very often, I set about learning what it meant. The dictionary afforded me little or no help. I found it was “the act of abolishing”; but then I did not know what was to be abolished. Here I was perplexed. I did not dare to ask anyone about its meaning, for I was satisfied that it was something they wanted me to know very little about.” Page: 3, Paragraph 7

From the first couple of sentences Douglass seems like he is tired of the life he lives. He can’t bare the idea that he will be a slave for his whole life and his only way out is he dying. While he was suffering menatlly he would listen to other speak about slavery and in many of his listenings he would hear a word “abolitionist.” He didn’t know the meaning of the word but it sparked an interest for him. He would do anything to learn what the word abolitionists meant. He would use a dictionary to see if he could learn but it had no help.  

1 thought on “Reading Response RWL and FDouglass — Michael”

  1. Read the HW instructions carefully. THe HW asks you to show me one important thing you learned ABOUT how to Read LIke A Writer. SO you need to tell me what you have learned about reading this way.

    ALSO —

    The quote you chose is obvious. There is no deeper meaning to tease out. You chose, Bunn: “He or she may not even tell you that you’re supposed to read this way. This is because most writing instructors are so focused on teaching writing that they forget to show students how they want them to read.” 

    Instead, Can you look deeper in the text to chose a quote that explains one important thing you learned about HOW TO READ LIKE A WRITER ? that was the assignment.

    Good work on the Douglass reading!

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