RAB Source Entry 1- Joshua (updated)

Main idea – Online learning prevented students from receiving the education they had worked so hard to get.

Supporting detail 1Supporting detail 2 Supporting detail 3
Most schools and teachers had little to no experience with remote instruction. When the pandemic began; they lacked teacher training, appropriate software, Laptops, universal internet access, in many cases students lacked stability and supportive adult at home to help.  Most students lacked the work space, internet access, some were even emotionally detached to themselves because they had to get a job some even had to become a caretaker In high-property schools were hit the hardest because they were most likely to experience food insecurity, Homelessness and even lost loved ones to COVID

Summary – In ”6 Things We’ve Learned About How ThePandemic Disrupted Learning”, by Turner Cory records that their is and was indeed a “Learning loss.”This is because most schools had little to no experience with remote instruction. They didn’t have access to WiFi, so they couldn’t work from home. They also lacked the necessary software. Some even lacked the attention of an adult at home. This did more than just harm students’ grades; it also stressed out many of them. As a result, they were emotionally detached from themselves. Some had to get jobs, while others had to become caretakers. Furthermore, the majority of students were harmed by this, but not the high-property students. They were the hardest hit because, in addition to struggling in school, they were more likely to face food insecurity, homelessness, and even the loss of loved ones due to COVID 19.

1 thought on “RAB Source Entry 1- Joshua (updated)”

  1. You must put these points IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You cannot just copy from the article. Putting the ideas in your own words proves that you have understood the article and can say it in your own words.

    Where is the MI?

    And you know of course that you have not finished the Entire Source Entry as this HW requires. This is only the graphic organizer for the summary and this graphic organizer is not completed.

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