The opening scene with high school friend Ray (pages 72-73)
In this paragraph Ray is Obama friend his father was an army transfer from, Los Angeles So he moved with his father last year, so he came along with him. Ray was 2 years older than Obama. Despite the age difference Obama fallen into easy friendship. Obama enjoys Ray company his warmth and brash humor. Whenever Ray talks about most likely Obama know that Ray is lying about like He said (he was the fastest sprinter in the islands). Obama know that he has a fat and he sweat a lot and that made the couches disbelief him too. Most likely he wasn’t to impress some girl in his high school. At some point he pointed out that some of the white and Asian girls are racists especially the Asian. Obama said that if a girl doesn’t go out with doesn’t make her far there is some disbelief, and some lies are told.
“These girls are A-I, USDA-certified racists. All of ‘em . White Girls. Asian girl’s shoots, these Asians worse than the white. Think we got a disease or something.”
This quote stood out to me because Ray was made that he couldn’t find a girl for himself and trying to argue with Obama and even Obama Said “Just cause a girl don’t go out with you doesn’t make her racist” and Obama point out that “this is not the first time what about the other Monica” Ray said that “she wasn’t even Hot” Ray stop to see his reaction and then Ray smiled. Ray thinks that any girl I ask she would reply or walk away.
Obama actually learn that he and tell to Ray that it doesn’t matter you should focus on your basketball team or you’re not playing because some of the guys might be ahead of you and if you and I were white it wouldn’t make a different for the other guy even if we are Japanese, Hawaiian or Eskimo and Obama pointed out that there is no black girl so it’s harder to find date
This is poorly written and confusing to read.
Some of what you wrote is copied from the passage.