Saved– Asghar Ali Khan

When I start the school year, I was doing good, but I started to participate in gymnastic tutoring classes which change my life and the teacher who was tutoring was a nice teacher and she was ever compatible with students. This journey was going until I was in high school and later in high school about a year my classes was failing, and which made me sad and depressed and on of my gymnastic couch which I took in high school he was the best because he would help you in very big situation like not passing class or not participate in gymnastics or not figured it out correctly. This Couch was in my high school best couches so one day he asked me that “Hey Bud, what happened why the sudden you’re not focusing on this class, I see you like this for a while?” and he saw my sad face and I said it in really depressed way “No Couch I am said because I am failing my classes and I don’t know what to do and I cant put my focus on anything” When I said this to my couch he immediately told me like my father will tell me “ Look Bud, don’t worry I got you cover I will tell other teacher to pass you so you can graduate in no time” This made my expression so joyful because he talks like my father and I put him in my father perspective. Few days later I saw my grade when up and the day I started to put focus in class he told me in really perusing way “Son, whatever you do now don’t stop keep chasing your dream peruse those dreams so you can build a good future for yourself” When he called me “Son” I was shocked and really surprised that this Coach is want best for students. After my graduation I saw one last time and greet him that he will remember me by hugging him and it felt like I am hugging my father. Which made me cry and “hope that after my graduation he is doing good” I said it in my heart. That Couch saved my future.

2 thoughts on “Saved– Asghar Ali Khan”

  1. Ali:

    First I don’t understand how the teachers just changing your grade to passing without your working to improve your school work. This doesn’t make sense. Are you missing some important part?

    Can you think of a scene from your memory that shows how Gymnastics saved you. Is there a memory of the gymnastics coaches tutoring students in their academic work. Did the coaches tutor you in math or science? Was part of being on the gymnastics team going to study hall and all the team members studying together? YOU NEED TO SHOW ME A scene from your memory that shows how being on the Gymnastics team saved you in school.

    VERY IIMPORTANT: You must improve sentence structure. You must fix Run-On sentences. See the grammar skills page and click on the videos that explain sentence errors. Work on sentence structure with the Writing Tutors.

  2. Ali: IMPORTANT — You MUST work on your Education Narrative with the Writing Tutors. They will give you excellent guidance on the many things you need to work on here. Have you registered and made an appointment?

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