Since a couple years ago, and until now, I feel like my religious identity is a mystery to me. When I was born, I was assumed to automatically be a Christian since, my family was Christian. Every Sunday morning, I got up, dressed nicely, and was on my way to church, even though I never really cared to go. I was always told by my family and by the pastors of the various churches I went to, that if I don’t devote my life to the word of God and believe in Jesus, the man who died for our sins, I would not be allowed into heaven. I was expected to live a life of “holiness”. It was until a couple years back, when I realized I needed to decide if I am truly a Christian, or am I an Atheist disguised as a Christian for the sake of my family’s beliefs.
I seek the truth, is there a being that goes by the name of God, who was the original author of the Bible, and is any religion real? Until I find the answers to my questions I do not plan to blatantly believe something which I can turn up to be false. I have done plenty of research since that’s really what I love to do, but I only find information that cannot be backed up. I’m a logical person, so I can’t go by someone’s word, such as my pastor or even family, when they don’t know the answers to my questions for certain, and when they sin. I learned terms such as Omni-Present, Omni-Scient, and Omni-Potent. What I believe is that for me to live in such a universe with an infinite amount of space, and laws, and even outcomes, it’s possible that such a being contains all of these traits.
I like the beginning
Jemel: Good introspective and reflective writing — this is deep; good writing. NOw make it more lively and create theatre of the mind for your reader. Now liven up this wiritng by creating two well developed scenes with dialogue. You want to SHOW me, not just tell me.
1. Every Sunday morning, I got up, dressed nicely, and was on my way to church. Follow up with a scene in a particular church/church service. What words does the pastor deliver? Is it a call-and-response church? SHOW ME.
2. Clarify timeline: It was a couple years back, when I realized I needed to decide . . . [when? exactly? How old was he? a gradual realization or a light bulb moment? If the latter, create a scene.
3. “I have done plenty of research since that’s what I really love to do.” Scene? What kind of sources? Where? In a library setting? At home in bedroom? In secret away from parents? SHOW ME
4. As described in the Assignment. Your paper will make a connection to one of the readings. I suggest for you: Point of connection with Malcolm X: “I still marvel at how swiftly my previous life’s thinking pattern slid away from me, like snow off a roof. It is as though someone else .. ” Look at the at MX quote and see if relates to your story and explain how. OR find another significant quote from another reading.