Writing task mentor quote-Divine

“Divine you could talk a good game but you have to back it up.

To this day that quote lives in my head by my aunt.This talk took place in the living room.These words were meant as a compliment, but at the same time it became irritating but at the same time motivational to hear.In my mind at that time I was thinking that I wasn’t making things happen So why try to be something in life.At that time I daid that because . This all happened when I was 15 years old in my freshman year in high school.So later in the year when I did summer school I realized that I needed to change my mindset by actually staying on task , and getting things done on time.

2 thoughts on “Writing task mentor quote-Divine”

  1. Dear Divine: Welcome to the game! Finally you are posting your HWs!

    OK —

    I love the quote you chose.

    Good that you tell me what the effect of her words on you were! Can you turn that in to inner dialogue using quotation marks to enclose the exact words in your mind: In my mind at that time I was thinking, “I am not making things happen So why try to be something in life.”

    I started to think: “

    Now make the setting more clear: Why the living room? Was this a family party? Why was your aunt at your house? Why is she the one who speaks truth to you — DO you have a special relationship with this aunt?

    THen can you explain what exactly bad situation you were in at school. You mention a short sentence that you had to attend summer school. Were you failing and not able to move on to 11th grade, failing enough to risk not graduating? What class was the struggle? Add a few more details to really let me see the dire straits you were in when Aunt said this to you.

    If you can, go back to HW 4 then HW 3 and get those posted. Late is better than never.



    Prof. Wu

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