Intro—Jordan Wilson

Hello my name is Jordan Wilson and i’m from Brooklyn. I like to make money and I love to sleep and play videos games. Also during my quiet moments I like to listen to drill music to calm my day. My favorite drill artist are Rich Nunu and Ciggy blacc. I graduated from life academy for film and music and ever since I have graduated I have been attending city tech and I can say college can be very stressful. What I am studying in College is computer engineering and i’m interested in this major because i’m interested in technology and the outcome behind it. When I graduate with my bachelors degree I want to work at a good tech company and put my skills to the test .I have heard that this major is very hard and it is stressful but if I stay focused I could be able to make it through this major.


My favorite sport is Basketball. I love to play basketball because it is very therapeutic to me when I am very stress with my daily chores and activity.Something else I like to do is to laugh a lot, I realized when people laugh a lot things can be less stressful.

4 thoughts on “Intro—Jordan Wilson”

  1. This Is Great To Know That He Has Every decent Life Living And He Love To Play Game And Spend Time Alone To calm That Better To Do Make A lot of Adjustment

  2. Since you graduated from a film and music high school, I am curious to know: Do you make films or do photography? Do you play music? What is your favorite film? What is “drill music”? I love learning about music from my students. It helps me to stay relevant!

    What kinds of technology do you do for fun? I see you play video games but do you also do programming? If yes, what program languages have you learned? I believe Computer Engineering involves a lot of programming. It’s a difficult major but if you love computer, technology and programming, it leads to a great future job!

    Where are the TWO paragraphs and the visual element for this HW? Go back and read the Announcemnts where I describe this HW1!

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