Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Genre Scavenger Hunt

  • Write a short definition of the genre you have chosen. Tell all the things you know about this genre.
  • Find two examples of the genre.
  • Explain what each example is, why it’s an example of the genre you are discussing, and what you find interesting about the piece.
  • Write an analysis of what you found: what do the examples you found have in common, how do they differ, why would someone create something in this genre?
  • (Hold on to these examples as we will be using them in class on Thursday as well)


  1. Liubov N

    I chose to do a poem about my subject. I think it can be fun to write a poem about none romantic thing. The poem normally is rhymed sentences, but necessary. There are many different forms of the poetry and each has specific characteristics some of them strict and other are more soft and free.

    Sonnet for example has strict form. It has to have 14 lines and 10 syllables per line in order to be called sonnet. Free verse on other hand is a type of poetry that does not rhyme or have a strong meter.

    Most likely I will be using the rhymed poetry. Rhymed poetry focuses on rhyming words at the end of each line or couplet. It also will have meter, but the primary focus is on rhyming.

  2. andrew2005

    I’m choosing to make a short tiktok video on my topic. I know that Tiktok vids are typically 15-30 sec long and they serve as different purposes. Tiktok vids can be for entertainment, educational reasons and so on.

    One example of Tiktok being used for educational reasons is when I researched information about WW1 for my school project and I found a 40 sec vid explaining the topic using visuals and the person speaking was very fast paced, which was helpful because I didn’t get bored. Another example is the war between Ukraine and Russia, as there are many videos explaining what’s going on. Another example is this one dude talking about Christianity/the Bible, but doing it in a funny way.

    These examples show that Tiktok is a very easy platform to grab anyone’s attention. That’s the reason why it’s so popular today, as it serves as a form of entertainment and education. Tiktok being a platform that allows you to create short vids is what makes it so attention grabbing because people nowadays get bored easily. So simply hearing or seeing a short vid about a certain topic can draw them in and cause them to want to learn more or check out more vids on the topic. Because it’s so short, people tend to speak with a faster pace and that makes it more intriguing.

  3. Nadeen

    the genre i chose is a poem, I find poems very fun and easy. I feel like symbolism and repetition is used a lot in poems, so thats what I am planning to use.

    one example could be the way Walt Whitman usually starts each sentence with the same word, giving more meaning behind it. What I find interesting about this is that it can be so repetitive but still have that one main point to the overall poem, it never changes.

  4. Ali Simmons

    The thing that I chose is a podcast. A podcast is when you share information that you have learned to people on the internet through a video or an audio recording. Some podcasts are live as well where you share the information in real time.

    One example I found was a 2 hour video of someone talking about the affect of alcohol on the brain. The reason it’s a podcast is being he is relaying information to people with his research. Another example is dude talking about quitting alcohol. The reason it’s a podcast is because it’s the same thing as before relaying information with the research you have done.

    The thing that is the same is the way they talked about drinking and why you shouldn’t do it. The difference is that they were talking about two different topics.

  5. asarii<3

    for my genre at first I chose a podcast, I might do a interview instead. with interviews I know you can question multiple people within on video. I can ask for short or long expirations. interviews are suppose to get peoples opinions on the topic or question you are asking.

    on YouTube I watch 2 podcast/interviews. one called “the safe place podcast” and the other “open thoughts” in both the interviews ask a series of questions to the guest to get their point of view on things. they use comedy throughout the interviews. I find these series to be very entaining and the have my attention fit most of the time.

  6. Malak

    The genra I have chosen is an art piece. some ability you would need for this genra, is creatively and passion. For example some of example of two pieces of art is, Mona Lisa and The Battle of Alexander at issue. Theses two piece of art tells you a lot of the background and events that were occurring during that time period. Battle of Alexander’s goes with my piece of art the most because it’s shows the truth struggle of wars and battlefield. The details in the art piece help the viewer deeply analyze and understand the main point and message of the work. It’s interesting and helps bring the field of art and education in to one page.

  7. Ifetayo-Juni Forrest

    -The genre that I’m interested in is scripted short form audio essay in the style of the video essay. This genre is usually heavily researched and based around a singular thesis and explored throughout the piece.

    -Two examples I can think of in the style that I’m hoping to explore are videos by people like Mia Cole or Lily Alexander who both use interviews and collective experience to add credibility and perspectives to their claims. What interests me most about these types of essays are the energy and poetic pros that the essayists like to employ, even if I don’t necessarily care about the topic I can feel drawn in and learn something.

  8. Fabien Chisolm

    The genre I chose is a poem because I find poems interesting and fun to do. I chose a poem because it could keep the people hooked and your able to get your point across by repetitiveness.

  9. SamFyb

    The short definition would be it has to be like a story has everything that other regular kid’s story books would have. Which I think, that it needs a good start with good characters and has something that is exciting or sad or scary happening in the middle and ending on a good note with peace and love. I think one of the examples would be “Little Red Riding Hood”. It’s basically about a nice girl that is taking some food for her grandmother but meets a wolf on the way. So the story starts good then something tragic happens in the middle and ends kind of good. Its an example of the genre that im doing because my story is pretty similar. That starts good something tragic happens and ends good.

  10. Madison

    The genre I decided to choose was poetry. I chose poetry because it’s short and gets yo the point without doing too much. Also, I didn’t want anything too wordy but still grab the reader’s attention and able to get my message across. I don’t have an example of a type of poetry that can be related back to my topic. One poem I found is “The Poor Vagina on Election Day” this poem is a reflection of what I would use to help creat my own poem. I like the title and it stands out to readers.

  11. J. Carlos

    A poem (part of the literary genre) is a piece of writing that is composed—most of the time rhythmically—using verses that typically, through metaphors and other figures of speech, tell a story or anecdote or convey the writer’s sentiments or ideas. A poem may vary from one arrangement to another, and thus poems branch off into different categories or sub-genres depending on their structure, tone, and other characteristics.

    I searched for two examples of poetry, and I found the following: “Immigration Headline” by Javier Zamora and “The Blue Bird” by Charles Bukowski. I chose the former because it is directly related to my reflective annotated bibliography (the basis for this new-genre unit) and the latter because I really like Bukowski’s poetry.

    Besides their structure, rhythm, vocabulary, and tone, there is a clear difference between each poem, and it lies in their messages. I think Bukowski’s writing expresses a concrete emotion that might be carried by different situations, whereas Zamora’s narrates a concrete situation, and the way it is conveyed might bring different feelings (this is similar to my idea of presenting a concrete and controversial situation that might kindle feelings among my readers/audience).

  12. josephjin

    I decided to chose a YouTube video as my genre. YouTube videos usually consist of 10 minutes videos on one singular topic and are accompanied with light editing.

    You can find a plethora of examples just by browsing the website. You’d normally see a video title and thumbnail that interest you and decided to click and watch through even if the topic has never come to mind before. Scrolling around the website currently I can find a video about rapper and singer, Drake, spanning around 9 minutes long. The video goes in depth about said topic and has images edited in corresponding on the current bullet point the creator of the video talks about.

    These videos generally are always 10 minutes long with a flashy thumbnail to capture an audience. While some create these videos for monetization, some also do it to generally inform and teach. I will do the latter with my unit 3 assignment.

  13. megan

    The genre i will use is a poem. Like ive said before i dont like to sit through anything long listen to someone ramble or read on and on about something. I like to get to the point and for it to be over with. I will be doing a short poem with impactful words that gets my point across

  14. Tyrell

    -A listicle is an article that is put in the format of a list. They are supposed to be easy to read very engaging and supposed to be able to read them fast. 

    2 examples of a listicle would be:

    -The Best Video Games Of 2023(So Far) https://www.vulture.com/article/best-video-games-2023-pc-console.html

    -10 Best Places To Visit in New York For a Fine Cultural Experience 


    The first example is “The Best Video Games Of 2023(So Far)”. It is an example of a listicle because it explains the best games of 2023 so far in list format it is easy to read and understand it is engaging and fast pace so I can read through it fast. The other example is “10 Best Places To Visit in New York For a Fine Cultural Experience” 

    What they had in common is they both stated the top 10 things in the topic they are about in list format. How they differ is that they are about two different themes. Why someone would create something in the genre is to easily inform people about stuff but keep them engaged and not bored at the same time. 

  15. Adil

    The genre I will do is a podcast. A podcast is a specific audio or video that is episodes of a specific theme. Multiple podcasts are trending on YouTube and streaming services. These podcasts can range from a few minutes to even hours. They consist of conversations and they are like speaking to you face to face. They can be videos or just audio. I will be doing a video for my unit 3 project.

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