Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Unit 2 Reflection

Write a short reflection (approx. 150-200 words) on the research process and what you learned. In your reflection, consider the following questions: What did you find difficult about doing this type of research? In doing this type of research, what did you learn that you can take to future classes?


  1. Liubov N

    The most difficult part for me was to stay on the focus of the question I raised at the beginning. Another thing that was time consuming is finding the sources that are legit. Yes, there are tons of information about my subject, but a lot of articles were just words and subjective opinions.

    The main thing that would help me with the similar task in the future is organizing text. I spend sometime adjusting myself to think that I can use someone’s words to express my opinion not theirs. This is a bid project so I would recommend myself to not put it in the drawer and start reviewing resources as early as possible.

  2. Sam Bazarov

    To be honest the process was a little struggling. But it wasn’t something that I would call impossible. I learned some interesting things about Palestine and what have happened on what years. Another thing I learned is not all Jewish people are the same , meaning evil like people from Israel. Most of the Jewish people in New York actually support Palestine and want to stop U.S from helping the Israelis. Difficult part about this research was to find the right article about your topic. I learned that it’s not as hard as it sounds it is. Once you started the essay you will realize it’s not that complicated as you thought it was.

  3. Megan

    This research has been very difficult. Feminism is idolized and it seems to be you cant find anything on the opposing side. My resources have been extremely limited. What i am finding is mostly opinions and not really facts. Thats mostly been the difficult part. I like to look at charts and numbers and actual facts not just some persons opinion on something because in all honesty i dont care much for other opinions

  4. Ali Simmons

    The most difficult part of any research is not to find biases. Most articles are created by people so there is always some type of bias. Another difficult thing was finding the exact answer to your question. Another difficult thing was finding creditable sources. I learned that there are many resources that are hidden from us. This is mostly due to fees and other things. I also learnt the main reasons why people drink alcohol.

  5. Nadeen

    what was hard for me was finding good sources and what else that was hard for me is the way it has to be formatted, and the way its organized. It was my first time making an essay like that, as in so structured, because usually I just keep typing about one topic. In this case I felt like there was so much things I had to go over. I didn’t like going back and forth with my essay and a source. I would talk about my topic, then I would talk about my opinion on sources. It was just complicated.

  6. Adil

    The research process is complicated. It can be very strenuous because it is difficult to stay focused because of the long process. It seems to be very boring digging through sources. I feel like the shuffling through information can be very exhausting.

  7. andrew2005

    In unit 2, I learned a lot about the history of the war between Palestine and Israel. I leaned about both sides and their point of views within this conflict. I learned a lot about the religious aspect of the war. The difficult part of this of this project was focusing on answering my question that I asked to begin with. I felt like I gave so much information about the topic itself but never answered the question I asked. So I had to go back and take all the information to answer my question. Another thing was that I found myself getting bored cause finding 3 different sources is a very long and worn out process.

  8. Ifetayo Juni Forrest

    It’s really hard finding scholarly research about niche and modern topics, I think I kneecapped myself by picking something so specific. No one seems to really study poor transgender millennials and genXers, no one really writes about how that identity effects how easily you can fit into society because it’s not really made for us and no one really cares that much about us besides us and there aren’t many of us in academia. Idk how to write more about that.

  9. josephjin

    I surprisingly found that I had supported my research topic. While young, many around my age had collectively disagreed with my research topic. As I researched further, it was surveyed that younger American individuals tend to have summer as their favorite season, but older individuals tend to prefer fall over the summer. One issue I did have, although, was the word count. I felt as though I had perfectly got my point across in at least 1000 words. I personally think word counts just inflate the original point and causes it to be lost in the filler. Although I did hit the word count, I did not enjoy using meaningless blabber just to do exactly that.

  10. Madison

    A description of my Unit 2 process would be strenuous. I say this becauseI had a hard time finding a topic I was actually interested in and that I felt other people would be interested in as well. Narrowing down and having to choose from one topic was difficult for me. However, when I did decide on my topic http cookies it was extremely difficult to find good sources. Part in take because cookies is not something that people commonly talk about which is something I should have thought about therefore it became difficult finding evidence. Also, this was my first time writing a bibliography so I wasn’t sure how to properly sight the text information. This was the first time I actually wasn’t confident in my writing assignment and hence that’s why I submitted it late. Additionally, I felt repetitive when doing my analysis because there was only so much I could say

  11. J. Carlos

    During the process of writing my reflective annotated bibliography, I learned and contemplated different viewpoints on immigration, but I couldn’t come to a conclusion different from my initial thoughts on the topic I chose; in other words, I just confirmed what I knew a priori. Nevertheless, all that I found in the research I carried out helped me to clarify some doubts regarding my topic, which I am now more concerned about. The difficulty of researching my question lay in keeping the analysis impartial because immigration is a controversial issue I feel strongly about, and I disagreed with some of the sources included in each entry, but I had to put myself in the authors’ position and delve into their reasons for standing by it. In general, this process, despite its complexity and limitations, was really fruitful and interesting, and I learned innumerable things. I cannot tell if I am going to use the knowledge I derived from this second unit in future courses or classes, but I am absolutely sure I will use it in plenty of other situations.

  12. Fabien Chisolm

    The research process was hard because of the way everything was setup. It was very disheveled which made everything a little more complicated but I still was able to find evidence and research for my essay even though It was alot. I feel like the topic I talked about and was interested in other people would be interested in too, because the topic I talk about is different and rare in a good way so many people will be intrigued by it to want to learn more about it.

  13. Tyrell

    The thing I found the most difficult in this topic was trying to find the topic I wanted to choose. I started over 7 times each with a different topic because I could not make up my mind about what I wanted to choose. I also had trouble finding sources that were credible enough to use, especially on the city tech library. However, in doing this type of research, I found out I could use places like the city tech library which I didn’t know existed until the time we were first introduced to the Unit 2 assignment. Also to try to find credible sources and know better places to look to find better articles for doing projects. What I could bring to another semester is the improved writing skills I have gotten after doing  Unit 2.

  14. Yenny Jimenez

    My research process was a little complicated because the articles and the information about gentrification were very old, so I began to look for more credible and updated sources. But, it took me a lot of time, because it seems that people are not frequently talking about gentrification. 

    From this research I learned that some topics are more relevant for people than others and it can be difficult to find good information about  those topics. Also, I learned that gentrification is something that has happened in almost every city around the world. Gentrification is beneficial for cities because it improves education and it provides better opportunities for people but it’s harmful for low income families because it forces them to leave their homes. In addition, I learned that the information is not always in a chronological order and sometimes you will have to do a deep research in order to know the whole story.

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