Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Looking Forward

Make a message to your end-of-the-semester self. In this time capsule, I want you to send a message to your end-of-the semester self about your goals, your hopes for the year, and maybe some pitfalls you feel you might be up against. Please also think about how writing will help you achieve your future goals– not just for the end of the semester, but beyond.


  1. Ifetayo-Juni Forrest

    My hopes and goals for this semester are to improve as a writer and generally as a student. I’m an artist and a story teller by nature, I love to write and create characters and worlds in my daily creative practice. I am however a rather weak student, I struggle with keeping on task, motivation, and time management. This semester I’d really like to try and address those issues, as well as take everything I can from this class to make me a better reader and writer.

  2. Megan

    My goals in this class is to improve my writing skills. I have not taken an English class since 2008 and in the world of auto-correct i feel like my skills have suffered. I am a high school teacher so i am reading and writing all day and often stop to question myself in terms of using punctuality. I’d love to send better more professional emails to my colleagues and give my students well written material. This class will greatly improve the basic skills i have forgotten throughout the years.

  3. Jaheim Thomas

    One thing i feel as if i need to personally improve on would have to be my time management, and attentive skills. improving these two would be crucial for when i have to come to class on time, or having enough energy to complete certain assignments.

    Another thing that i would have to improve would have to be my grammar skills as well as my ability to convey information. I feel as if this is needed to better convey my words and knowledge, so improving and focusing on these skills would be crucial.

  4. Adil

    I want to pass this class and make sure that I pass and gain all the credits to every class that I am taking this semester. I think that writing will really help as I can continue my life after this class because everything I will do involves being able to take good notes and write extremely well.

  5. asarii<3

    my goals for the end of the semester is to pass all of my classes with an A. I want to stay focused all throughout the semester and year with no setbacks. Some pitfalls I might be up against is motivation, I tend to lose motivation during semesters. Writing might help me with my future goals because I will learn how to write more formally and appropriate for different people and situations. For example if I need to write a email to an important person regarding my upcoming business, I will use my writing skills that I learned to write it

  6. Ali Simmons

    Hey future me I hope that we are passing all of our class. I feel like some problems we are going to face are deadlines and test. Writing this will help me want to study harder and work harder

  7. Tyrell McCallum

    Tyrell at the end of semester you seriously have to be locked in, never miss an assignment at least 85% at absolute minimum in this class. Participate more and have learned all the reading and writing skills you need to be a great writer. Have master RLW. Also get rid off all the bad habits you have.

  8. andrew2005

    My goal by the end of the semester is to become a better writer. I want to learn how to read like a writer and use that in my own writing. My goal is to become a stronger writer by analyzing different texts and using techniques in my own writing. I hope to socialize more in this class, which is important to me by the end of the semester. I want to get to know everyone in this class and understands everyone. Some pitfalls I’m up against is not asking questions. I’m very antisocial and I find myself struggling because I don’t ask enough questions. So by the end of the semester I hope to be more open to asking questions. Becoming a better writer would help me open up more. The more you become better at writing, the more you can express yourself.

  9. Nadeen

    The message I want to send to my end of semester self is that currently my goal is to get used to or better at writing , and my hopes for the year is to just pass this class. I feel like the only pitfall I will be up against is finals, even though we aren’t up to that yet. I do believe writing would help future goals because it can help you with better speaking or if you have to do lots of typing for your future job, it would make you seem more professional overall and can be very handy in tight situations.

  10. josephjin

    My goal: To pass

    My hope: To also pass

    My pitfalls: The b47 and b25

    I dont think writing will help me in the future thanks to technological advances such as chatgpt, but sometimes I enjoy writing and learning about the english language anyways.

  11. Malak

    At the end of the semester, I want to be able to examine and dig deeper into the subject of my writing. To better convey my point of view, I would also like use more figurative language Punctuation and higher vocabulary . In order to help the reader understand my thoughts and what I am attempting to accomplish with my writing, I also want to be able to write at least three sentences on one concept. Last but not least, I want to be able to comprehend more difficult writing faster and use what I understand to improve my grammar.

  12. Mallen12

    my future goal is do well in this class to get a passing grade so i can get close to my long-term goal which is to be an animator with my own animation studio.

  13. SamFyb

    What’s up Me! The main goals are You HAVE to pass your classes especially the math class that you failed last semester. The classes might have been a little tough but I’m sure you passed them all. There’s nothing impossible, that’s about the math classes you will face during your college journey. But hopefully it will get easier and easier moving forward on to future semesters. One last thing is I hope you already got the car you been saving up for and can’t wait to see it.

  14. Liubov N

    Hi end-of-the-semester me. You made it!

    The goals is to not loose the enthusiasm to studies. I hope the semester will pass by quickly and productivity.

    The biggest pitfall that worries me is the time. Will I have enough of me to manage all things? I hope I will.

    The most important goal is to expend my vocabulary!!!

  15. Lichen Wu Wu

    My goal for this semester is to be able to maintain myself instead of giving up, which I almost did while writing summary essays. I also want to write more proffesionally and help my friends with fixing their essays. My hopes is to be able to increase my vocabulary. Some pitfalls I may encounter is getting sidetracked and forgetting about due assignments. Writing may help me in the future because laying out a writing can help me become organized and clear my thoughts.

  16. J. Carlos

    I would like to tell my end-semester self that in spite of my exigencies regarding academic life (my goals are usually hard to achieve) I would be proud of him, because I always do my best. Even if keeping high grades is a difficult task during this semester, I am going to strive for it, by no means I am going stop trying. My end-semester self has to be thankful for all the content learned in this course and any skill improved or acquired in it.

  17. Yenny Jimenez

    Hi yenny from the future

    • Yenny Jimenez

      My principal goal in this class is to improve my English because this is my second language and I want to be more able to express myself. Also I want to improve my reading and writing, because I don’t used to read and write frequently and I would like to change that. In addition, I hope to be a more organized person and end my habit of procrastination. And finally I  hope to finished this class successfully.

  18. Nattali Calle

    For my future self I would like to wish myself luck in all my classes and growth as I make mistakes along the way. I would hope that my writing got better as a singer I tend to be stuck when I am trying to create music or a poem . I will also like for me to improve on my grammar as I am constantly sending emails for work and speaking to patients family members. I know my future self will get stuck from time to time but I will go learning along the way . Writing will get me to achieve my goal as I am getting into my dental hygiene and will need to constantly be in communication via email or texts for many reasons .

  19. kaylynn

    By the end of this semester I look forward to becoming more disciplined with assignments and deadlines. Being a freshman in college isn’t the easiest road, transitioning your mindset for a different schooling environment is significant. Your hand will not be held along the way, your education is now all you and your effort, something I’m learning more by the day. Attendance, work ethic, and behavior all play parts in succeeding this semester. No one will be down your back to finish assignments, it is up to you and how hard you work, which is a reflection of how your responsibilities are valued. I hope to have all laziness and procrastination removed from my college life. From taking this class, I plan to also use writing as a way to take life day by day, sometimes things like journaling can be helpful.

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