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How to Read Like a Writer, Question #1

In “How to Read Like a Writer,” Bunn says all writing consists “of a series of choices. What does he mean by this?

Think about your favorite book, or piece of writing. What choices did the writer make? How did those choices impact, or influence, your experience as a reader?


  1. Ifetayo-Juni Forrest

    In the text Mike Bunn discusses the series of choices a writer would make based on their aims like sharing an anecdote in the beginning or using evocative language choice.

    In my favorite books the author often uses similar language for things happening literally and things happening in the minds of their protagonists. This sometimes has a psychological affect of blurring the line between reality and thought, making the reader aware of their role as an outsider dependent on the narrator’s perspective. It can be cool and add a sense of tension and distrust.

  2. Megan

    When Bunn said all writing consists of a series of choices he meant using effective language

    One of my favorite books is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. The writer told the story as if it were an extremely dark place in a woman’s mind. The way the writer told the story set up a scene of calm chaos. It was exciting but not overwhelming.

  3. SamFyb

    He means like for writing you need to choose the words and sentences that you will express your ideas with. Sometimes when I start reading a writer chooses to start the paragraph with a interesting question and impact of that is usually makes me continue reading and be curious about the rest of the life paragraph.

  4. Lichen Wu Wu

    I think what he means by this is that the writer includes specific words to show or not by their own decision. The writer chooses what people should know or not. My favorite book is The Giver and the choices the writer made is able to get into what the protagonist is thinking but, as well as make it a utopian society. The author also keeps some information secretive which made me intrigued. These choices impacted me as a reader because the more intrigued I am, the more I am prone to like a writing which is why it is my favorite book. As a reader, this also made me realize that not knowing everything makes it a much more exciting experience.

  5. Ali Simmons

    Bunn talks about the consistency of choices because the choices that the writers make in their writing has reason behind it, and is mostly there to be interpreted differently between people. My favorite book is a manga called one piece and the writer choices to write things freely and goofy. This helped me enjoy the manga understand the story better and helped me relate to the story he made. The way he writes also helped me enjoy the story better with jokes and great bonds between characters.

  6. asarii<3

    In “how to read like a writer” Burn states all writing consists “of a series of choices” he is saying that all authors make choices in their writing. they choose what words they want to use, the tone. authors use many tecniques they chose too use, and its up to the reader to examine what techniques the author chose to use in their writing.

    In one of my favorite books “home body” the author chose to write her book in a different format, her tone throughout the book changed and had transitions that flowed. that had a impact on the way I read because now I read to find the way authors transition into different topics and what words the use throughout the reading.

  7. josephjin

    The novel, ‘Julie and the Wolves,’ mainly revolves around a girl named Julie and her struggles to survive; being stranded in the artic for over a year. The author’s choice to have said novel to be in the first person in its entirety made the novel so special for me. The fact that you can really resonate with Julie being stranded in a white blanketed wasteland is what made the book thriling all those years back when I had first read it.

  8. andrew2005

    In “How to Read Like a Writer,” Bunn states that “all writing consist of a series of choices”. Bunn is trying to say that every piece of writing is made up of different elements depending on who wrote it. Many writers would try to use different literary techniques to get their point across, use a specific word within their writing, a specific tone and so on. Writers use different techniques to make the reader feel a certain way. That feeling can be good or bad. So every writing is constructed with different elements. There is a lot of thought that goes into each choice that a writer makes. Every word that a writer chooses allows the reader to connect with their purpose. My favorite book is “The Color of Water” by James McBride. McBride uses different words to describe each character in the reading and that allows me to picture what each character may look like, which helps me get a better understanding of the characters.

  9. Liubov N

    We are making a choice every minute, either it’s is about what beverage to order or what college to go. Very choice has an impact on our lives. Bunn is showing us that writing is also a series of choices, we pick a topic and the tone of the essay, we think about what massages or point we want to make, we think about readers responses and understanding, all those choices will impact the end result of our writing.

    The Brave New World by A.Huxley is the book I recently finished. Author rises a serious questions but the language is simple and easy to read. He uses a lot of adjectives when describing the place or feelings, this trick is immersing you into the world of The Brave New World

  10. Tyrell McCallum

    1)I believe what Bunn means by “all writing consist of a series of choices” means that in all types of writing people have a lot of freedom or choices of how they want to make the writing. Some examples are to grab the readers attention, to get their point across, to inform the reader.

    2) In my favorite book The Great Gatsby the author Scott Fitzgerald chose to make the narrator bias towards himself. Those choices impacted or influenced the reader by making the story more interesting and constantly grab my attention.

  11. Yenny Jimenez

    All writing consist of making choices from the very begging until the end. For example, the first thing that an author have to do is to choose a topic and from that he/she will have continue making choices. Another example of this is my favorite poem from Victoria Santa Cruz “me gritaron negra,” this is a poem that goes to a specific group of person and it’s propuse is to inspire black people to enjoy their color etc. I think that she mean that because writing involves many thing and all of those thing are based on choices.

  12. Malak

    Brun’s use of the phrase “of a series of choices” refers to the way a writer constructs and contracts a variety of viewpoints and ideas to help the reader understand their point of view. The author has the ability to reflect on what to write and where to direct the reader. The writer creates and picks the questions he wants the reader to question himself. The reader has the responsibility to question theses questions to try to understand where the writer is going too and what’s his /her perspective.

    An example would be the article/song “it’s alright, ma (I’m only bleeding). The writer used figurative language and poetry to help explain what each stanza means and represents.

  13. Jaheim T

    1. Within the text, the purpose of Bunn floating the idea that writing consists of series of choices would have to be within a deep, impactful relationship with Bunn and his past, Within “How to read like a writer, Bunn states that he does”… read all the time. I read for my classes and on the computer and sometimes for fun, but I never really thought about the important connections between reading and writing,” This insight from the passage allows me understand the concept of writing from Bunn’s point of view, showing that he believes that theres an important connection between reading and writing, and with writing, everything is thoughtfully written. This point is furthermore proven with previous statements created by Bunn. “I was reading—one word at a time—was exactly the same way that the author had written the text.” With the following 2 statements being referenced from the author, Bunn, It is clear from his previous experience that he believes that both reading and writing is an in-depth, comprehensive process requiring thoughtfulness when it comes to both reading comprehension as well as in addition to writing skills and the ability to convey information.
    2. The choices the author made were very decisive, Bunn using his skills of literature, conveyed points and details in a meaningful way, requiring you to read the book with thoughtfulness to really grasp the concepts behind the text.



  14. Nadeen

    1. I believe that Mike Bunn mentioned that all writing consists of a series of choices because you have the choice on how you want to read, and reading in a certain way can help give the reader a better understanding of what the text is about. Readers cant tell the feeling of how the writer wrote the text, so there is no possible way to know if it was in a reading tone, writing tone or in a happy tone, sad tone, that is unless the writer gives us that information.
    2. There was this poem I read in high school, I don’t remember the author, but the technique that was used was repetition, and it was always at the first of every sentence, this impacted me because it showed me that the author was trying to get their point across by repeating a single word, and with that, it can change your point of view of the message that is being given.
  15. J. Carlos

    Bunn says that all writing consists of a series of choices due to the fact that a writer includes certain decisions that were made during the process of writing, and thus his/her decisions may influence the way the reader interpret them, bringing on understanding of the structure and who the intended audience is.

    100 Years of Solitude is a novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which narrates the story of a “traditional” Colombian family where the members are personified as magical beings – all the characters convey their personality through their power/ability. This decision made a simple and typical story an interesting one (at least for me), enhancing the reading experience in many aspects, making it creative, unique and distinguishable from others.

  16. Yenny Jimenez

    All writing consist of making choices from the very begging until the end. For example, the first thing that an author have to do is to choose a topic and from that he/she will have continue making choices. Another example of this is my favorite poem from Victoria Santa Cruz “me gritaron negra,” this is a poem that goes to a specific group of person and it’s propuse is to inspire black people to enjoy their color etc. I think that she mean that because writing involves many thing and all of those thing are based on choices.

  17. Adil

    One of my favorite books is a thousand splendid suns. Some of the choices and decisions that Khalaid Housseini makes are using similes and metaphors to explain things happening in the story. In one moment he takes about Mariam and her miscarriages and he uses a metaphor of clear white clean snow and how that is similar to love and happiness felt by her and her abusive husband and when she had the miscarriage how dirty and stepped in snow is the same as the pain felt by the miscarriages. He also used history and past events in real life to connect in his story as he used the occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union to help expand the story.

  18. Nattali Calle

    I believe Bunn is referring to this as in a story will write itself based on peoples choices as each choice everyone makes has a different outcome which leads to a story . Bunn might also be referring to how in order to write a book or a story a person will need to make and commit to choices in life. We can base this to the articles I read or news I read daily. Peoples actions in the outside world make these stories and are in charge of building these stories to then be published by the news and informed to us . This impacts my life because we as people are up to date and informed of everything going on around us .

  19. kaylynn

    Bunn means that you should simply write the way you read. Reading is a step by step process as well as writing. Using details and explaining how an author wants their story to unfold piece by piece is crucial. Without details, and writer’s technique such as figurative language, using examples of ethos, pathos, logos, it is quite quick to lose a reader.

    A piece of writing, one of my personal favorites, is my personal favorite is the book “The Hate You Give” by Angie Thomas. Every page is embedded in detail to many dramatic scenes. The author uses techniques such as imagery to convey how brutal police brutality is in America. The book was so well written that it intrigued me more than the movie itself. This is an example of how writing as a reader is crucial, it helps readers engage with the text instead of losing focus or becoming easily side tracked.

  20. Yenny Jimenez

    The process of writing is base on our own choice  from the very beginning to then end. And those choices will define the any piece of writing.

    My favorite piece of writing is a poem by Victoria Santa Cruz. Throughout the poem she decide to express her experience as a black latina person. She recounted how people use to call her in the street “negra” and how she felt hearing everyone  calling her like that. The main idea of the poem was to inspire black people to feel proud of their color.  

    I noticed that she included the words “negra” again and again to emphasize the main purpose of the poem. Also, she decide to describe her physical characteristics to define what is mean to be “negra.” In addition, by the end of the poem she express that the word black is beautiful, she did that to make people understand that there nothing wrong with being black.

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