Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Considering Genre

  • Freewrite about the genres you may choose from and how they each might/might not appeal to your audience: 
    • script for a TED Talk
    • script for a radio or television interview
    • Twitter thread (at least 10 Tweets for the thread)
    • an interview
    • podcast script and (optional) recording of the podcast
    • an infographic or academic poster presentation
    • a play or film script
    • a listicle
    • a poem or song
    • a children’s book

Think of a specific audience to whom you would like to share your argument and research. Explain why. What do you think your audience knows and thinks about the subject? And what might their concerns or assumptions be about this particular topic? Choose 3-5 genres you think will appeal to your audience and help you share your research effectively.


  1. Kyle

    I think I would like to share my argument with the general public who might be interested in alternate energy sources. This audience would probably know about the different sources of alternative energy but not know much about their pros and cons of them. Some concern they may have is how nuclear energy is to most people dangerous, or that we should just stick with only solar panels because that’s probably all we need. Ted Talk, podcast or an infographic/academic poster presentation would be the best choices.

  2. Donaji

    The audience I would be targeting are those who are human activists. As well as those are interested in government politics, since my research topic is based on the death penalty. I believe the audience will know about the penalty that is still active in most states and also might be unsure if it’s a right or wrong thing. However, with the research provided, they would get a better perspective on it and conclude their own opinion on it after hearing the facts.

    Ted Talk

    A script for radio/television

    Twitter Thread

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