Distance Learning

Having to move to Distant learning was a big change for everyone, especially since we had to move to this format so quickly. We had to try new things and change the way we work drastically. I would like to know your thoughts on what work or didn’t work or what you think may work that we haven’t tried. Your feed back is greatly appreciated.



  1. Janan Yu

    As we moved to distant learning the first thing that was difficult was actually finding motivation to do assignments. I believe zoom is a great platform that allows us to be in class and have class without actually ā€œhavingā€ class therefore it has worked. What didnā€™t work was how some professors in other classes were slacking in updating the students with information about their course which has cause students to fall behind. One thing I think that may solve the problem of students not showing their faces is to require everyone to show their faces in the beginning of the class.

  2. mokhira

    this journey was a whole new experience for each one of us. I loved staying home in the beginning but it started to get annoying towards the end and affecting my school work. If you have access to all the equipment you need and service, you won’t really face many difficulties. One thing I didn’t like was I didn’t really get to know people in my classes. I think we engage more when we meet people in person and it works the same when communicating with the teachers.

  3. Shirley Garcia

    I agree with Jana Yu this new method of education has been a challenge. Personally, this experience has not been very good and I really hope it ends soon. In terms of the class itself I think that the best that could be done was done and that the methods used were effective because they were understandable to me.

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