Libby Clarke: Team Work in Web Analytics

An Example of a Collaborative Project in Professor Libby Clarke’s Web Analytics Course ADV3561

Web Analytics: SEO and SEM

Team Project: SEO/SEM Makeover
You will be split up into teams. Each team member will search out and propose a prospective client for an SEO/SEM makeover. Once the team has chosen the final client choice, that client will be interviewed to ascertain his/her SEO/SEM needs. The team will then prepare and present a proposed plan of action to the class for critique. The final report will then be submitted to the client.


In order to help the students learn how they will have to function as a team member. The class made suggestions to their teams and voted on a final client. This person had to have a live website online, and needed to be willing to have the students go over it and make our suggestions. They also needed to be available to be interviewed in person, by phone, or by email the week of the 15th of October.

Link to Assignment Blog Entry


Alex Aptekar: Student Projects in Building Technology

Building SketchProfessor Alexander Aptekar offers two advanced-level courses in Building Technology for the Department of Architectural Technology. Both courses share one class website that is filled with readings, instructions, and video tutorials.  Since assignments for both courses are posted, students can see what is expected of them in the following sequence of the course.  Assignments range from early ‘scavenger hunt’ type exercises to more complex projects late in the semester.  Moreover, the class website offers the opportunity for students to showcase their work.  For example, see a student’s project for an assignment that evaluated the student’s understanding a structure grid, levels, and framing plan.