Life in CityTech

Design a Beautiful Life!

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How New York Businesses can Reduce their Electricity Costs

New York City is a place where businesses can get energy cost reductions they cannot get anywhere else. In a competitive marketplace like New York City, business is made tougher when Con Edison and National Grid NY consistently raise energy prices on their commercial clients. There are ways for businesses in New York City to save money on electricity and still compete in the Big Apple.

Alternative Energy Suppliers

Over the past few years, New York City has become a focal point for the idea that companies can compare business electric rates among different suppliers and use options to lower costs. If you feel that your business electricity costs are too high, then you can do an instant rate comparison online to find a better rate through a better company. You can also compare the services you get through Con Edison or National Grid NY with what alternative energy suppliers offer, and find a program that better suits your needs.

Energy Cost Savings Program

The Energy Cost Savings Program (ESCP) offers regulated electricity and gas rates that be as much as 45 percent discounted from standard rates. Any small business owner looking to cut back on their electricity costs will want to sign up for the program to see if they qualify. The companies that do meet the guidelines for the program will not only save money on electricity costs, but they will also get a better return on their investment in upgrades and repairs to their commercial properties.

Business Start-Ups are Changing the way New York City Thinks

It was not that long ago that Manhattan was considered the undisputed king of commercial and residential development in all of the five boroughs of New York City. But programs such as the Start-Up NY plan have put the focus on small businesses, and now boroughs like the Bronx and Brooklyn are seeing influxes of new business and new residents.

Before the influx of start-ups in New York City, there was never a need for entrepreneurs to compare business electricity. But with the large selection of alternative suppliers offering options to a growing number of commercial clients, there is plenty of competition that can help businesses to get great energy rates.

Going Green is Big in New York

New York City is one of the top areas in the country for encouraging businesses to use more environmentally friendly operations methods. On occasion, the city or state will offer incentives to businesses that convert to renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, and businesses can even make a little money by selling the energy they generate back into the public grid.

Be Smart with New York City Energy

If your business is located in a New York City skyscraper, then get tinted film for your windows to reduce the amount of energy that gets through your windows. During the summer, untreated windows can result in huge energy bills. The skyscrapers in New York City can create wind tunnels in the streets below that can become great places for small windmills at ground level businesses. Have an energy professional look over your business and find out how you can make New York City work to lower your energy bills.

If you own a business in New York City, then you can go online to get an instant rate comparison from the growing number of alternative energy suppliers in the area. There are also government programs you can look into to lower your energy costs and bring down the costs of doing business. New York City has a lot to offer, and that includes many unique ways to lower your energy costs and add profit to your company’s books.

Cupcake Cat Bed for Cat Lovers

cupcake cat bed

This is a very cute cat bed designed by Pidan Studio, who also have another innovative product Igloo Cat Litter Box. The official name of this bad is Egg Tart Cat Bed, but I think Cupcake Cat Bed maybe describe it properly. According to official site, this cat bed is very cozy and warm, with a removable mat inside, easy to wash. Let’s see some features below:

Now this cat bed is 30% OFF on MeetIDEA, it’s a good chance to have one for your lovely kitty. As a nice designed product, I think every cat in universe would love it. How about the real model?

The best international hikes for American students

jacksonlake hiking

Hiking is one of the favourite activities of the students all over the world. America is no exception to it. If you are student residing in the USA and are planning to go for some very cool international hikes then this blog is for you. We’ll take a look at some of the best international hiking destinations for the American students. We’ll also tell you what makes these places great and obviously their finest trails.

Let’s get started.

  1. Chile

The highest mountain range outside the Himalayas and Asia lies in the South America. Chile and Argentina are the main countries housing this mountain range. It is Mt. Aconcagua, best international hiking destination in South America. Chile is known for the Andes, the Patagonia Desert, and the high peaks and the great glaciers. The Torres del Paine National Park in Chile has been ranked as the fifth most beautiful place in the world by the National Geographic. One can easily walk through the giant glaciers and huge lakes amidst the towering high granite-like towers.

Trekking to the peak of the Aconcagua is the most awesome trek one can go to. Many amateur and professional hikers take this trek. Interestingly, this peak is also known as the highest trekking peak of the world.

Apart from the Mt. Aconcagua, Chile is also home to the driest place on the earth – the Atacama Desert. Also, you can explore a large number of national parks in this country numbering to around 36. The Lake District area and the temperate rainforests are other special attractions. So you will have a lot of places to go in Chile.

  1. Norway

If you are into the hiking activities, you must know that the Norway is the best international hiking destination in the Europe and in the world. There is no other place like Norway. Also, the hiking rules in this country are quite different. You are allowed to camp anywhere. You only need to be around 500ft away from a building. Also everywhere you will find that the hiking routes and the skiing routes are well marked.

You’ll witness some of the wildest landscapes here along with the fjords, glaciers and the snow capped peaks. The highest mountain of Scandinavia – Galdhopiggen is also a special attraction.

  1. Nepal

This small country is entirely engulfed by the Great Himalayan Range. The list of best international hiking destination is incomplete without talking of Nepal. Fifty percent of the world’s highest peaks belong to this mountain range. Every part of this country is designed in a manner that is convenient for the hikers.

There is also the Upper Mustang Trek, which follows the ancient trading route between the Tibet and China. This trek is the best way to witness a cross-sectional view of the three physiographical divisions of Nepal – mountains, hills, and the terai plains.

The rhodenderon forests and the youthful rivers are the special attractions in Nepal.

When You Don’t Protect Your PC

The internet is everywhere. More than half of the world is connected to the internet through smartphones, tablets, laptops, and personal computers. But as the world joins hands to bridge gaps in digital connectivity, the network that binds digital devices also offers a path for evil to spy on your precious data and steal it.   About a quarter of personal computers were deemed as unprotected, according to Microsoft’s Security Intelligence Report of 2013. No wonder the years to come would bear witness to some of the worst data breaches in history, from 21 million US citizen’s data being compromised in one of history’s worst cybercrime’s against government in the OPM attack against the US’s Federal Office of Personnel Management, to the first of its kind “WannaCry” ransomware attack in 2017 that shook the global economy of 5 billion dollars.

These and a plethora of other such cyber security incidents have made it clear that the internet cannot certainly be mistaken for an open sea in which you can dive as deep as you want without any sort of protection. Yet, many people on the internet don’t have any sort of protection on their personal computers. One of the major reasons for this outlook is the popular opinion, “This cannot happen to me”. Well, this is certainly not the case.

Mr. A is a final year university student. He has been carrying out research for the past one year and his submissions are due the next week. One day, while editing his documents, he gets a weird pop-up on his screen that informs him that he can no longer access his data and would have to pay 500$ in order to get his documents back.

Mrs. B is slightly more careful on the internet. She prefers visiting the store for all her shopping because she doesn’t want the internet e-commerce websites to store her personal information. But one fine day, she learns that her credit card limit has reached. She didn’t pay much attention to her net banking URL when she clicked on the “Yes” button which prompted her for her credit card pin. Moreover, she was unaware that banks never email you asking for your credit card information.

Mr. C rarely uses the internet. Yet he was one of the people whose sensitive data was compromised in the OPM cyber-attack.

Mr. A., Mrs. B, and Mr. C are not huge conglomerates. They are ordinary people who have felt the tremors of cyber attacks directly. To think that anyone is safe without protection on the internet is a mistake that many others like them make every single day. This is the very reason why no one can ignore the importance of computer security.

By following certain basic steps, one can ensure their safety on the internet. Use only safe URLS (with HTTPS in them) to access sensitive websites. Beware of where you click and what you agree to on the web page. Know your bank’s internet banking security policies. Always keep your PC up-to-date with the latest versions of software and latest patches installed. Ensure that the firewall in your PC is enabled. Finally, use a proper antivirus from a well-known computer security solution organization (Avira, Avast, Bitdefender Products, Norton are some popular and reliable names).

Technology itself does not have any moral character to guide it. It is free for anyone with the money and the knowledge to use it. And not everyone who pretends to give out “free” information or rewards on the internet is your well-wisher. It is essential that everyone with a connection to the internet does their bit towards internet security by ensuring that their system is secure. Such individual moves can help the world’s governments and technological organizations to build a digitized yet secure future for us.

Meet an Innovative Cat Litter Box

Cat Litter Box

She comes into the living room, meows, then goes on to rest on the entrance grid of her litter box. She loves it. The serene aura exuded by her beauty nap almost breaks my heart when I remember the ordeal I had put her through some months ago.

Have you seen your cat portray elimination problems at one given time? Missy had abandoned her enclosed litter box then, and chose the flower pot on the balcony as her preferred urination and defecation location. After a vet’s visit, my pet was declared perfectly healthy. So, what might have been the reason behind this sudden change?

Her damned litter box then. That was the problem. She could barely get through the entrance without squeezing in. The litter was almost 3.5 inches deep, quite difficult to dig through given the limited space. She hated it. Luckily, I came across this fantastic litter box on the internet that has changed our lives. Missy and I.

The Igloo Cat Litter Box was designed by Pidan Studio to not only adequately resolve your ever day litter-box problems; but also raise your cat elegantly. This helps create a pleasant environment for both the owner and the cat. This particular model comes with a number of exemplary features that makes it a must-have product for all cat owners across the globe.

• Aesthetics.
The modern design is inspired by the Eskimo igloo. It has a style that tends to compliment the interior decor in the room. It easily passes off as a unique piece of furniture rather than a mere cat litter box. It also comes in different colors, mainly white, blue and pink.

• Adequate space.
The box has a wide entrance favorable for large cats. This eases the in and out movement. You need not to worry about your cat getting constantly stuck. The round shape of the igloo litter box creates a large interior space that enables cats to turn around freely when they dig.

• Privacy.
Cats love to go about their business in a quiet and private area. Being enclosed, this model is a darling to the indoor cat.

• Odor proof.
The enclosed space helps keep in the bad smell away from the household. The enclosure also helps to prevent spills on the surfaces and keep your dog(s) and kid(s) from accessing their ‘finger snacks’.

• Minimal litter tracking if any.
The igloo litter box comes with a long grid at the entrance which enables the cats to wipe off litter from their paws every time they walk out. The grid being considerably long, cats may not be in a position to jump over it. This helps to do away with litter tracking on the household’s surfaces hence a clean interior space. The grid is also easy to clean.

• Hygiene.
It is quite easy to maintain cleanliness with this model. All you have to do is lift off the lid, and do a thorough scooping. It is also quite easy to reach the edges in order to get out all the clumps since it is round shaped. The scoop can be attached at the base edge after cleaning.

• Diversity.
The litter box can be used by all cats irrespective of gender, age or species. It is however most suitable for cats under seventeen pounds.

• Minimalist design.
The model has no exaggerated features such as lines and decoration. The design is simple and highly effective. The litter box itself is a piece of decoration.

• Portability.
At only eight pounds, the litter box is quite portable and can be moved around the house easily to your preferred location.

• Safety.
The igloo litter box has been made with Food Contact Grade Polypropylene material, which is eco-friendly, has low density, recyclable and has little impact on the environment. It has also been enhanced with an innovative antimicrobial technology, IONPURE, from Japan. This technology ensures your family’s and cat’s protection through a cleaner and healthier environment.

• Ventilation
The open entrance and spacious interior offers ample room for ventilation which is quite conducive for your pet.

My missy has long left the flower pot alone. If you are experiencing cat litter box management problems, I highly recommend this model. It is designed to help you raise your cat effortlessly and happily. Apparently, this model was awarded the Red Dot Design in Germany, 2016 for its innovative use and creative design. It totally deserved the recognition.

5 Ways to Identify if Your Family Member is Struggling With Substance Abuse

Many families find themselves in a situation where they feel that one of their loved ones may have a problem with substance abuse but are unsure about the reality of the situation. This can be a scary time as the family may have strong suspicions that something is drastically wrong, but they don’t know exactly what that is. It can often be difficult for families to accept that fact that their loved one may have a substance abuse problem, but there are certain signs that you can look out for which are strong indicators that substance abuse may be an issue.

While these signs and behaviors do not mean that your loved one definitely has a substance abuse problem, they are good indicators that your family member may need help. While any one of these warning signs can be explained by issues other than substance abuse, if your loved one is struggling with many or all of them then the likelihood that they have a problem is quite significant.

  1. Withdrawing from family and friends: If you notice your loved one distancing themselves from their family or friends this can be a cause for concern. Often times people who are struggling with substance abuse will harbor feelings of guilt and shame that they associate with their drug use, causing them to pull away from their family and friends. If you have a loved one who is normally very social and suddenly begins to pull away from their close relationships, this could be a warning sign for substance abuse.
  2. Financial problems: Substance abuse can be a significant contributor to financial problems. If your family member is showing signs of financial difficulties then substance abuse may be a possible cause. Clear signs of this are when they are asking multiple family members for loans on a regular basis or are having trouble paying things like rent. While this doesn’t always mean someone is using drugs or alcohol, it is a very common issue for those with substance abuse.
  3. Lack of motivation: Noticing that a family member is no longer motivated or taking interest in the things they normally liked is one of the most common first signs of substance abuse. This may at first seem like something as simple as your loved one having a “bad week” or a “bad month” but as time continues on these feelings can continue to worsen. Things like being unemployed with no ambition or drive to look for a job or staying in the house for days at a time are usually telltale signs that something is wrong.
  4. Sudden physical changes: Substance abuse can lead to significant physical changes as well. While this may not be one of the first signs that your loved one may be struggling with substance abuse, by the time they start to show signs of things like excessive weight loss or other physical illness it is a pretty good indicator that something is seriously wrong. Drugs and alcohol can have seriously negative impacts on a person’s physical health and these changes are often the most recognizable signs of substance abuse in people that are close to you.
  5. Rapid changes in behavior/emotions: Rapid mood swings or drastically different behaviors can also be clear signs of substance abuse issues. If your loved one is normally emotionally stable but begins to show rapid changes in their emotional state this may be a warning sign that they are struggling with substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol have a powerful effect on a person’s emotional state and continued abuse of them can commonly cause emotional instability which is why this is such a common warning sign for substance abuse.

If you have a loved one who is displaying more than one of these warning signs then they may have a substance abuse problem. If you suspect that this may be the case it is usually important to share your concerns with other family members before confronting the person you suspect of having the problem. If multiple family members share the same concerns as you then it may be appropriate to contact a professional interventionist and look into options for substance abuse treatment programs.

Affordable Event Tickets for Summer Entertainment

Summer is officially here for college students and with the warm weather comes all types of summer activities like events, concerts, and live sport. Tickets for these events aren’t always affordable on a college student’s budget, but with a few ticks you can save big on live event tickets of all types.

Find Cheap Concert Tickets Regardless of When You Buy Them

Summer event tickets for concerts or even sporting events can get pricey really fast, but locating cheap tickets for both isn’t as hard you’d think. You essentially have two different methods: purchase them right when they go on sale from the box office and the slightly riskier but usually cheaper trick of waiting to buy them second-hand from a trusted secondary ticket website like Let’s start with how to get tickets cheap right when they go on sale.

If you don’t want to run the risk on waiting out cheap tickets for fear a concert might sell out you can still usually pick up tickets for a reasonable price if you know where to go.

In a lot of cases you can skip service fees imposed by the likes of Ticketmaster by heading directly to the venue to purchase them. Most large venues and stadiums have a ticketing office where you can purchase tickets directly. This isn’t always the case, but if it’s an option for you it’s a great way to avoid the ridiculous service charges that come when you order tickets online.

It also works when tickets are supposedly sold out. Oftentimes stadiums and venues will release extra tickets the day of the show or game and all you need to do is show up at the box office when they open.

Isolation of DNA from Samples

Cell Free DNA, also known as circulating cf-DNA is a type of DNA located in the bloodstream. Cell free DNA extraction has been proven to acquire potential as a noninvasive substrate for the diagnosis and monitoring of tumor cells in the human body. As circulating tumor DNA is often present at low frequencies within cf-DNA, targeted sequencing can be the best tool for DNA mutation recognition. cf-DNA in plasma is commonly used for basic and specialized medical research, including different cancer types studies. However, some commercially available cf-DNA isolation kits have tiresome procedures, make use of many testing agents, and frequently require heat for DNA circumvention and Protease K treatment, which ends up making the entire process delicate and cumbersome.

Extracellular nucleic acids can exist in several body liquids such as serum, bronchial lavage, plasma and other body vital fluids and their evaluation has gained increasing attention during modern times. The effectiveness of the research of cell-free DNA has been demonstrated in several domains such as prenatal examination utilizing fetal DNA from maternal plasma and the analysis and prognosis of patients with cancer. On top of that, it was shown that the study of cell-free DNA in patients with nonmalignant diseases could be of value. Because of the small volumes and highly fragmented character of cell-free DNA in plasma and serum, it continues to be a problem to accomplish fast, efficient, and reliable isolation. Commercial products for the isolation of DNA from body liquids have mainly been developed, paying their attention to medium- and high-molecular-weight DNA, that is viral and Cancerous DNA. Little work has been allocated to fast and productive commercially available purification systems for the isolation of highly fragmented DNA from body liquids. Thus, many existing products have weaknesses regarding separation of small DNA fragments from basic body fluids. Another concern in the purification of cell-free DNA is the reduced concentration of the marked DNA. Essentially, the cleaning method should enable processing reasonable test amounts at the same time for elution in an exceedingly small volume.

Developments in next-generation sequencing (NGS) tech now allows the utilization of cf-DNA as a biomarker for liquid biopsy research applications. Successful use of cf-DNA as a cancer research biomarker requires an easily implemented protocol to gain access to the design template and efficient DNA removal from large amounts of plasma (1-10 mL). Owing to the small volumes of cf DNA (10-1,000 copies/mL) in the bloodstream. The capability to concentrate and review the limited cf-DNA within those big plasma volumes with solutions such as NGS permits researchers to obtain more information at a quicker rate than with the available methods. The availability of blood examples suggests that cf-DNA removal and examination could be beneficial in cancer research for possible diagnosis and monitoring of tumor cell growth in future.

In spite of the fact that THP convention is cheaper, modifiable and more powerful to isolate cf DNA from constrained clinical specimens, it is not recommended for use in large scale. Then again, using a cell free DNA extraction kit in the case of lower yields builds the false negative cases. All in all, it’s recommended that labs utilize DNA Blood Mini Kit for features, but to be on the safe side, ensure negative predicted samples should be reevaluated using THP protocols to avoid false results.

Resources for Cat Lovers

If you are a cat lover, here are some useful resources for you, I will keep them updated.

  • The Cat Site – The most popular cat community for cat lovers.
  • Living with LouLou – A French cat’s comments on life, recipes, books, music, art, food, friendship, Italy, France, USA, cats, dogs and all animals. Loulou is lovely cat with beautiful sapphire eyes, his owner Suzanne is the author of No Need To Knead, Handmade Italian Breads in 90 Minutes. Read this blog to feel a cat’s inward world.
  • About Cats Online – Information about cat behaviour, cat health, cat nutrition and rescue.
  • Cat Facts, Breeds, Unique Names and Funny Videos – We have compiled a vast array of information regarding feline breeds, facts about cat behavior and health, and urine cleaning products. There is a huge list of unique cat names and a wonderfully funny section regarding cat humor and videos.
  • Cat Litter Box – The best covered igloo cat litter box for cat lovers, it has hidden enclosed dome space, fits for big cats up to 7kg.
  • KittySites – The Cat Lover’s Online Directory!  If you are looking for a cat-related website, this is a great place to start.  We’re a large and resourceful directory with a personal touch!
  • All About Cats – This site was inspired by the decision to share the knowledge that was learned while raising three beautiful cats.
  • Fluffy Kitty – A blog for cat lovers to share their passion for kitties by posting articles and reviewing furniture pieces that will make your kitty purrrrrr from happiness!

MeetIDEA Product Design Scholarship

About MeetIDEA

MeetIDEA sells really unusual and cool gadgets. All of their creative goods are hand selected around the world, all have innovative designs. They are unique gifts for everyone.

The Scholarship

The rising cost of obtaining a college education has made it increasingly difficult for many students and families to realize their dreams of earning a college degree. MeetIDEA understands the value of education as well as the financial strain that being a student can often entail. In an effort to help students meet their financial needs, MeetIDEA is pleased to offer a $500 scholarship to each winner of the annual college scholarship product design contest.

Essay Topic & Requirements

Those currently studying in the areas of art and design may be extremely interested in our scholarship, and although taking a course in these specific areas is not a necessity, a passion for design is a must. If this sounds like something you would be interested in then please see below for the requirements.

To be in with a chance of winning our scholarship students must:

Submit a 600-800 word piece of content (with images) to describe your product design concept. This can be a topic of your choosing, from fashion bags to men’s gear or even a conceptual design.

Your content has to be creative while expressing your stance on your chosen topic. It should be able to convince anyone that you are correct in your beliefs. You should create a presentation that is innovative and convincing.


Only students that are currently enrolled in a college, university, high school or trade school may apply.


The deadline is November 30, 2017, and the winner will be selected on December 15, 2017, and notified via return email. If the prize is not claimed within 14 days of the announcement date, another winner will be selected. We run our scholarship program yearly.

More information can be found from their website.

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