Upcoming NYPIRG Events for Students

The City Tech Library is pleased to co-sponsor the following upcoming events with the City Tech NYPIRG Chapter! NYPIRG is the largest student-directed nonprofit in NY and all of their work is centered around student advocacy. Stop by their office in G411 to find out more about their internship program and how you can get involved.

Credit Card 101 Workshop  

Time: Tuesday, Nov 26th (tomorrow!), 1-2pm

Location: Namm-416

First up is our Credit Card 101 Workshop, sponsored by SGA and The Library. In this workshop you will learn about interest rates, FICO credit scores, credit reports, credit card debt and plastic payment fees. Know about the importance of good credit, how to comparison-shop, and how to understand the fine print on a credit card agreement. This is MUST-KNOW stuff for your financial future. Get prepared now!


Time: Tuesday, Dec 3rd: 1-2pm

Location: Atrium Ground Floor

Sponsored by SGA, the COMD Club, the Library, Art & Design Club, Moving Pixels, Ink Club, and the Garden Club:

What is the process of recycling? What and how much actually gets recycled? What are some pitfalls of recycling and how can we improve the process? What new plastic bans and recycling laws are being considered on the state and national level?

These and much more will be answered in this workshop. Our special guest, Michael Cyr, recycling expert, pioneer, entrepreneur, and recent TedX speaker will be helping to lead a discussion and group brainstorm on these critical issues.

With 99% of plastic made from petroleum, plastic waste is not only a danger to our oceans and wildlife, it’s an integral part of the global climate crisis. Changing our relationship with plastic is paramount to solving the biggest issue of our lifetime. 

Tenant’s Rights Workshop

Time: Tuesday, Dec 10th: 1-2pm

Location: Namm 419B

Lastly, sponsored by the Law and Paralegal Club – Our Tenant’s Rights Workshop:

Learn about your rights as a tenant with a rep from Brooklyn Legal Services, a local law firm that, for 50 years, has challenged systemic injustices and ensured the well-being of tenants and communities across the city. Whether you are just starting to consider moving out of your childhood home and living on your own (or with roommates) or you’ve been living on your own for awhile, it is important to know your rights as a tenant.

CUNY Arts – Free Museum Admission!

Through a series of partnerships via CUNYArts, CityTech students have access to many museums and cultural institutions across the city – for free!

For example, if you bring your CityTech ID to the below locations, they will waive the (sometimes expensive!) admission fees, which can normally be up to $25 per visit.

More info on the CUNYArts website, here – http://www1.cuny.edu/sites/cuny-arts/free-access/

There’s also a current opportunity for CUNY Faculty, seeking to build the arts into their curriculum: CUNY Arts Faculty Fellowship Program, with a deadline for applications on 12/2/19. This program ties together Open Educational Resources (OER) to the arts, a multi-disciplinary model for course creation.

Intern Missive #5: On Mood Boards, Brainstorming & NYC

smith & ninthSmith & Ninth by horseycraze is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Designers,  upon approaching a new project, will often put something together called a “mood board,” which is “an arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc., intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept.” (You can find examples all over pinterest). In the past, mood boards have typically fallen within the purview of, say, interior, fashion, and graphic design – not necessarily instructional design. Increasingly, though, instructional designers have also been creating, tweeting and blogging about mood boards, as well as including them within their professional portfolios. Here at City Tech, more than a few mood boards have been uploaded across Open Lab, completed as part of either Architectural Technology or Communication Design courses.

As one of my tasks here at City Tech involves a tutorials revamp, I’ve been thinking about an overall look/feel/style to apply across a suite of library tutorials. I’ve also been thinking about how to incorporate a look-and-feel framework into a best practices/style guide. (Ideally, such a guide should make the creation of future tutorials in years to come an easier prospect.) As to what this look/feel will entail — I’ve been creating a mental mood board, if you will – and first off, I’m thinking about a visual language heavily influenced by NYC. In terms of brainstorming, I began by perusing openly licensed and public domain images of the city (see pic above), searching creativecommons.org and The Commons on Flickr, as well as perusing original royalty-free graphics, created by designers around the world, at sites like The Noun Project. (H/t to Joyce Alvarez, one of my favorite tech/school librarian bloggers. I first read about The Noun Project on her blog.)

But anyway! Enough about brainstorming. First sample tutorials drop next Thursday.

CUNY Census Corps: Everyone Counts!

Every 10 years the US has a census to count the population. These census numbers determine the number and distribution of US congressional representatives as well as how much federal funding is allotted for health care, education, food stamps, and more.

CUNY students can get paid to help education, engage, and mobilize New Yorkers to ensure that under-representated groups get counted and get the federal representation and funding they deserve.

For more on how to get involved, visit the CUNY Census Corps webpage.

Accepting donations for the library’s annual book sale

Update: The library book sale has a new date and time.

Please donate to the Ursula C. Schwerin Library’s upcoming Spring Book Sale, which will be held on Monday, November 25th, 2019, from 12:30-3:30 p.m..  We will accept hardcover and softcover books (including paperbacks) in good condition.  These may include fiction, literature, travel, leisure reading, non-fiction of all sorts, and recently published textbooks.  We are also accepting DVDs, CDs and other media.  We cannot accept damaged or heavily annotated books and most technical manuals, directories, or handbooks over three years old.  We may select some donations for our library holdings if they meet the needs of our curricula.

To arrange a donation, please contact Prof. Morris Hounion at mhounion@citytech.cuny.edu or at extension 5491.  All donations should be received by Monday, December 2.  We will acknowledge your donation with a thank-you letter but we cannot place dollar values on donated items.  Information about the Library’s Gifts Policy.

Intern Missive #4: In Current (Reading) Rotation

1. How Video Production Affects Student Engagement: An Empirical Study of MOOC Videos
“This paper presents an empirical study of how video production decisions affect student engagement in online educational videos. To our knowledge, ours is the largest-scale study of video engagement to date, using data from 6.9 million video watching sessions across four courses on the edX MOOC platform.”

2. Would You Watch It? Creating Effective and Engaging Video Tutorials
“This paper combines professional experience and literature reviews from multiple disciplines to provide a contextual overview of recommendations and findings for effective and engaging videos.”

3. Evaluating Best Practices for Video Tutorials: A Case Study
“This paper will explore one library’s experience creating best practices for the creation of video tutorials.”

4. Making It Work: Creating a Student-Friendly Repository of Instructional Videos
“This case study investigates how a team of librarians at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) worked together to assess and optimize their library’s current instructional videos…. Instructional library videos serve as invaluable resources for students who are not present to partake in synchronous library training. However, once a library has produced a substantial number of videos, the need to organize and routinely update these videos can become a rather daunting challenge….”

5. Using an Interactive Online Tutorial to Expand Library Instruction
“This article presents the design and assessment of an online, interactive, information literacy tutorial for first-year composition students at a community college.”

Intern Missive #3

Today, among other things, I observed several library instruction sessions. One involved an annotated bibliography assignment for 1101. In that class, across the entire semester, each student is focusing on a particular genre of writing. Chosen genres included everything from reggae lyrics to Renaissance poetry to news articles. In another session, the class was part of a learning community, and all the research projects involved climate change. Some had a local focus — for example, the effects of Hurricane Sandy on Staten Island — while some were broader/less location-based in scope. (One group was doing a project on cars, four kinds of them: hydrogen, hybrid, electric, and [I can’t remember the fourth, but so interesting!]). So anyway. I spent at least part of my day perusing a fantastically wide range of topics, which got me thinking about one of my favorite movie tropes (the librarian!), because librarians pop-up in every possible genre of film (TV too), aiding people in searches for a kaleidoscopically broad swathe of information. (Fyi just another day at the library).

More Notes from the Intern

So! This is my third day & as I write this, I’ve just about finished auditing the library tutorials and the library orientation site, with particular attention to the latter. I mentioned auditing in my last post, but as to specific considerations, they involve: what needs to be streamlined, what needs to be re-developed, and what needs to be covered that isn’t being covered. Ultimately, though, the overarching idea is how to develop a modular-but-holistic library orientation experience — one users will be guided through from beginning to end, with each tutorial comprising part of a fabulous whole. Conceptually, as an example, think “workplace training” that is simultaneously *the exact opposite* of workplace training. Like, library orientation = the good, brilliant, incredibly witty & educational twin, while workplace training = the bad, dull twin (who reminds you of that one uncle you never want to sit next to at Thanksgiving, because sitting next to him means you’ll hear the same Grand Canyon anecdotes you heard last Thanksgiving, like hourrrrrrrs of them, but I mean, he does mean well…)


Something I came across today that may be of interest: the Instruction Section Website of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), dedicated to all things library instruction and instructional technology. The site includes a “site of the month” feature, highlighting effective examples of online library tutorials, complete with interviews of the librarians who created them.

Also, as an aside, I found the pic posted above by doing a “free to use” google image search — an easy search to do. Simply 1) go here,to google’s “advanced search page” (which you can also find from the google homepage under “settings”), 2) scroll down until you see “usage rights,” and in the drop-down menu, choose “free to use or share,” 3) click the “Advanced Search” blue box, which will take you back to the google homepage, and 4) do a search — I searched the word “library” — then filter your results by clicking “Images.” I chose this library-tunnel pic, as it reminded me a teeny, tiny bit of the of the psychedelic-tunneling “Star-Gate” sequence from 2001: Space Odyssey, which I think is about individual consciousness expanding into an infinite cosmic consciousness, or something, which is I think is what happens on smaller scale when people go to the library.

Greetings From Your New Instructional Design Intern

Hi there! I’m the new instructional design intern. This is my second day on the job, and I’m just about finished auditing the library’s online tutorials and orientation section. I’ve also been perusing CityTech’s OpenLab, which I’ve heard described as a kind of  “anti-Blackboard,” which seems to me an excellent description. (In addition to being an MLIS student, I also teach writing courses at Queensborough Community College — as such, I’m verrrrrrry well acquainted with Blackboard. And while I’m spanking new to OpenLab, I’d say comparatively, Blackboard feels like a dark, labyrinthine, walled Medieval city. I prefer OpenLab.)

But I digress.

In addition to getting the lay of the land, I’ve also begun conducting research, seeking out scholarly literature about 1) the design and implementation of faculty-focused focus groups (say that three times fast) on the topic of library instruction, and 2) library instruction/instructional design best practices.

But Sharon, you ask, why have you been doing all of the above? Excellent question! The answer is: so that I might ultimately develop some of the greatest, most effective, most engaging, most elegantly designed library instructional tools and materials that have ever existed. I’ll be nailing down a specific timeline/putting together a detailed schedule for instructional design world domination next week.

Stay tuned.