Author Archives: Ling

The Charms of Wikipedias

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia contains 2.2 million articles which wrote by anonymous. It is a platform for people to contribute their knowledge. We often use it because it very often pop up first on the google search and it is addictive. Because anybody can get … Continue reading

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Producers of Digital Media

In reading of Producer of Digital Media, Pavlik inform us that digital technology has grown tremendously in today’s society. In traditional, we had limited way to share photo, video, and music with other people. Now, digital technology provides us a platform to post … Continue reading

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Introduction New Technology and the Media: An Uneasy Alliance, by Pavlik is about how technology and media of public communication interact with each other. Media utilize new technology to gather their information and distributes more efficiently with low-cost. Audiences can … Continue reading

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Chapter 1. The denfinition of information is to inform people with reliable, relevant and current data. Before our ancestor use written language to pass down the information, they used to be passed down the information by oral precisely . Then … Continue reading

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