Steve Urkel Revisited

I found this tutorial to be quite entertaining although it was superficial at best. The video did explain well how to transform your appearance so that you could look more Nerd-like for example; hiking up the pants, the addition of suspenders and the telltale coke bottle glasses but I felt that it lacked by leaving out some of the finer points of being a nerd. According to popular stereotype, most nerds have a high IQ. They not only engage in heated discussions about Sci-fi but also take great interest is physics, mathematics and the probability of reincarnation. I found it disturbing that the video did not even demonstrate, much less, give instructions on how to acquire a more nerdy laugh. In my opinion a ridiculous laugh is a paramount feature which all nerds must attain. Also, what nerd doesn’t decompose in the presence of the opposite sex? Another fine point which the video didn’t address. Overall, I believe that anyone following the steps in this video could become more nerd-like in appearance but if your looking for maximum effect this video doesn’t cover enough. The video left out a lot of information but I think if it where redone with a few additions it could be a great tutorial.

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Simple Card Tricks

I always use to wonder about how simple card tricks were done using  a deck of playing cards, and why so many professionals are good at doing this. At first i use to think it was magic but then later on down the road i realized that it is a simple card trick to show somebody if you just want to do or try out things for fun. The first time i ever saw somebody do this was when i was 18 years old, a very good friend of mine showed me how this was done. I picked a card out of the deck and only i could see it he couldn’t, he shuffled the cards. Then after he did this he placed all the cards on his table in a pile and ask me was this my card? I said no, so what he did was pick another card and asked me if this was my card ? I said no again, then finally what he did was say what was your card? i said seven of diamonds, so out of the blue he spelled out the words seven of diamonds while placing each of the cards on the table in a pile. And once he was finished spelling out the words he placed the final card down and turned it over to me and said is this your card? And i said yes it is. I really thought it was cool, so ever since then i wanted to learn how to do this. I also did this for my speech demo project that i had to do for my speech class and i did very well, everyone in my class and even my professor was shocked and wanted to know more about how this was done.

One thing that i learned from this is that it takes a lot of practice for people that are doing this for the first time, you may get it the first time then you may not at all. But it takes a lot if practice to do this this kind of trick, for some people it may take up to 5 weeks or even a month to learn how to do this. But once you keep trying you will get it, and if you don’t you got to keep trying until you do, it is a fun trick to learn about for everyone. Here is a video link to so you how it is done from beginning to end.



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“I’ve always wanted to try something new”. The main thing I’ve always said when I had nothing better to do. When google and youtube became popular and easy to use, many tutorials were posted to many many things. Whether the tutorial is for learning how to cook, whether it’s learning how to build something. I’ve always been a hands on type of person. When I first went to a parade in my parent’s native country, I saw people dressed up wearing a special type of mask. To do these type of masks, you have to have both patience and a desire to get your hands dirty. There are many different styles to doing a paper mache mask. A simple masquerade mask was one of my first tutorials ever watched. I found it very handy and easy to follow, although I did not have all the components, but I managed to have fun and to a mask in my own form. I highly recommend parents to do this type of activity with children!

Paper Mache Masquerade

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The Challenge

So lately on the internet, there has been people who have decided to upload videos of them doing “challenges” that many cannot easily accomplish. One of these challenges is called the “Cinnamon Challenge,” where someone will put a spoonful of cinnamon in their mouths and then proceed to swallowing it. Many, however have failed this challenge simply because the cinnamon irritates their noses way too much to continue on. So, I’ve used this video as a clear example of how to do this challenge and do it efficiently. From watching this video, and comparing it to others that how done the exact say challenge, it is quite clear that he knows what he is doing. His instructions are quite reasonable, and if I were to mimic this challenge, (not that I will) I will hopefully get the same results.

How to properly do the cinnamon challenge

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How to Knit

Knitting. Every non-knitter that I’ve come across thinks I’m a magician of some sort whenever they see me knitting while traveling. Admittedly, I kinda get a kick every time people look at me like I’m David Blaine or something because knitting isn’t that hard. Really.

Below is a critique on Lion Brand’s how-to-knit instruction. Lion Brand is an old, time-tested yarn company that is still up and running (they have lovely yarns. Check out their yarn studio near Union Square!) and their website provides instructions on how to knit and crochet. I’ll be focusing on knitting since I learned how to knit first. Continue reading

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An Old and Bad Hobby

When I was in high school, I did a lot of crazy things like many other high school kids do. However, I always had a hobby playing with fire, responsibly, and use to do it on a regular basis. This video helped me achieve that consistency with my hobby. It is a non-verbal video that explains how to to create a ball which one can light ablaze and hold it in your hand. It is dangerous and mainly for entertainment purposes for those who have had experience with fire manipulations.  This video was very easy to recreate because the steps in making one are in text instead of them being spoken. Personally, I was able to make five with relative ease and in a short amount of time. Since the video is a few years old and have been shared by many individuals, the quality of the video isn’t up to par with HD videos today.

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Some thoughts on process documentation

A few of you have asked some questions about the blog post about process documentation due tomorrow, so I want to clarify what you should be looking for. You want to locate a manual, document, video, or other text- or non-text work that documents the process of accomplishing, doing, or making something. The document you use should list all of the steps, equipment, and knowledge required to accomplish the task so that anyone can replicate the process. Your blog post should not only summarize the example but also critique it: is it understandable and clear, and do the instructions allow for anyone to replicate the process to get the desired results? Last year I used this example, and I think it still holds up:



Read the Edge and Robinson articles for some examples of process documentation, and if you have more questions, leave a comment here.

~Prof. Leonard

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Hauptman 7 – 13


It appears that citing earlier works serves many purposes for an intended piece of literature. Citing someone’s work serves not only to acknowledge an influence but also gives validation to the current work that an individual is working on. Hauptman gives the impression that citing is just right which I agree but I still feel that in today’s society it’s done mainly to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Reading the article, it was interesting to see that so many great scientists and writers cited and reflecting back on the reading it makes sense that new knowledge or ideas come from earlier ones and that citing can help strengthen a new concept or help a reader trace the train of thought making things clearer. It makes sense that if you have an understanding of a well known concept, that it proves a better foundation for a new idea that one might be trying to convey to the reader. Just cite all your influences as it will make your writing stronger and more respectable let alone legal and proper.
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research in the information age

I understand that the fog is really thick for college students, and I’ve learned that database searching with topic and subject using keywords is up to me. Not all college students are comfortable with this. Like the dynamic interface for example, and the tradition of boolean and keywords. Like and and or gives me anxiety attacks, but corrects my way of searching. Since both show the same results I use date and specified subject to yield better results. The outline made it easier to write the research paper. It was plain sense to start from the reason and question then define the issue of my topic. As I continued it made more sense to state that issue first while producing answers to my question. Or I tried to describe before I analyzed.

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Notes from today, and reading/blogging assignment for Wednesday, April 25

Today we discussed standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-text media. You all generated citation styles of value to this class, but remember to follow the rules of MLA citation for your research paper and online documentation project.

On Wednesday we’ll discuss the practical applications of process documentation. For your blogging assignment, find one example of process documentation in any format, read it, and write one blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Be prepared to discuss your example in class! If you use media, such as an online video, you can embed the media into your post, rather than just create a link to it.

Please read the following articles: Edge, Write it down! The importance of documentation and Robinson, Documentation Dilemmas.

Slides from today are available here.


~Prof. Leonard


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