
So is copyright a good thing or a bad thing? In my opinion, I agree the copyright should last long for some materials like Star Wars. Because if they didn’t have years of protection then someone else will come along, make another series or movies like it and they’ll have the protection instead of the original. Not to mention the original won’t be profiting anymore. However, we can use copyright materials at certain points. For example, a teacher can use copyrighted materials for the lesson planner. Eventually the teacher will have to cite to the class of the source where the teacher got it. Another example is that students can also use copyrighted materials due to academic reasons. Copyright is sort of a good thing because it prevents ideas from being stolen for some time.

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Fair Use for Media Literacy Education

In the video “Fair Use for Media Literacy Education” the main idea is what are the rights for teachers to use copyrighted material to teach their classes?  in my personal opinion, I think it should be fine that teachers may implament educational videos in their lessons.  When I was in highschool, my sociology teacher had told us about a study she had done about the effectiveness of teaching off of the blackboard as compared to showing videos.  My teacher stated that grades were higher when she would show videos for a week as compared to writing noted on a blackboard for a week.  I can’t see how this really would be plagiarism, because people make these videos to spread their intellect to the world and if they’re saying that this is plagiarising, then it just doesn’t make any sense.  As long as the teachers do not say that they made the video, then it should be okay to show students these ideas in their classrooms.  The idea of plagiarism is a hard topic to discuss.  In this situation I believe that plagiarism laws should not be enforced, but if there is a problem with whoever made the film, then, sadly, there is nothing we can do.

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Copyright and SOPA

Watching Professor Lessig’s TED session on copyright laws made me think of SOPA and the fiasco that it caused throughout the Internet. Lately, there seems to be a widely misconception regarding the very nature of copyright itself. The first thing that comes to mind upon hearing the term is, “someone owns it.”

That “it” could be an original work or an invention (patents) but we’ll just stick with the original work for now. And since that original work is already owned by someone, other people would have to ask for permission to use it, right? After all, to do otherwise would be stealing. And the worst case scenario with that would be people profiting from that stolen creation (piracy) and the person who came up with it would never receive credit nor money for that.

Some people feel that works produced by their ideas are public property while others feel that they belong to their original creators and thus, require protection from those who would be interested in stealing them, hence the concept of copyright. But lately, that term has been used  interchangeably with “piracy.” The best proof? SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). The act was meant to combat “piracy” on the Internet regarding copyrighted material, but what if people do not profit from sharing them? Does it still count as piracy? Or should there be a distinction between piracy and lack of credit where credit is due?

However, how can people determine what is protected by copyright laws when ideas tend to get recycled over time? Not only that, do copyright laws still apply if the idea is commonly used but someone adds their own flair or style to it, thus making it a creation that distinctly belongs to that person?

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Forever is never enough

The information concerning copy right and fair use was quite interesting. I particularly enjoyed ” A Fair(y) Use Tale”. It was bait annoying at first but, after I caught on I realized how clever it was. I must admit, I had no idea the length of a copy right was life plus 70 years. My god, it sounds like a harsh prison sentence. There’s no doubt that a prison sentence is exactly what the supporters of such a copy right law intend to impose. Lock up all the profits and throw away the keys. I don’t know which is more incredible their greed or their gaul. It’s particularly insulting when you realize the lack of creativity that was required to create some infamous copy righted work. Works which have been around for what seems like forever. For example:

“The Lord of the Rings” better known by its abbreviated title The Hobbit, is a fantasy novel and children’s book by J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937

“The Little Mermaid” is a popular fairy tale by the Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen about a young mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince.

“Snow White” is a fairy tale known from many countries in Europe, the best known version being the German one collected by the Brothers Grimm in 1812. The German version features elements such as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin.

“Beauty and the beast” the first published version of the fairy tale was a rendition by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, published in 1740.

Of course the special effects bring the story to life and the plot is no doubt enhanced by a few additional twist but this in no way should entitle someone or some company a copy right for 2 life terms.

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Copywhat ?

Copyright has been a hot topic in the world lately.In the median days of the web there was tv episodes and movies.It was pretty awesome and one could just youtube or google search their favorite program.Of course the respective companies cracked down on such things but in an “tasteful” way.Fast forward a couple years and its been perverted.The average guy making a montage video of his girlfriends favorite songs would be sent a cease and desist message.What was supposed to be a way for people to communicate and connect to eachother has become a virtual wonderland that can be approached but behind you there will be 7 different “people” with shotguns aimed at your skull.One recent case of this is with megaupload and its creator kim dotcom.Now I loved megaupload it provided me with many thing that i could not get without paying international shipping but this was able to happen because of the USERS had uploaded the files not the host.Mr.Kim’s home was raided I repeat raided like if he had been making meth or planning a coup d’état.He was later sent to jail on the charges of copyright infringement.Soon after the FBI had seized the website and now it’s seal appears instead.The whole web was rattled by this,many uploaders deleted their usernames and file hosting sites like megaupload were shut down in fear of the consequences.But the piracy is still running strong because of the users.Its only a matter of time until a whole task force kicks open your front door just because you downloaded a 10 second clip of quantum leap.

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I just want to say one thing, how would you like it if someone took all your own work that you worked so hard on, days, weeks maybe months, and they simply stole it and presented it as their own? I bet you would not like it one bit at all. Now imagine how these writers feel when their work is either stolen or simply plagiarized by someone else. Copyrights are in place for a reason, it is to protect someones work or ideas from any top of intruders from doing such things. If you are going to use the writers work as a reference however for informational or educational purposes, go right ahead but only if you give proper recognition to them since it is after all their hard work and should not go on without it being known.

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“COPYRIGHT” should we thank Queen Anne ?

Copyright laws were first introduced by Queen Anne in 1710 . It basically guaranteed an author or composer rights to their creation for a minimum of 28 years. A great deal has changed since then. Although it still follows the template of the original legislation, it has morphed into a whole new game plan aided by legal scholars acting on behalf  of corporations and the like. It behoves me to wonder why ” The copyright act ” of 1710 was not copyrighted ? When George Lucas, Miss Rowling and other creative minds allow their work to be pimped by corporations for their life times and posthumously indefinitely, we wonder does that not stifle creativity? There is so much young talent out there who inspired by their genius could layer on so much new stories to keep generations of readers and movie goers captive for generations to come. Is this fair to their fans whose loyalties have made them into billionaires? As well as the spin off franchises from merchandise. Altogether driving profits for fat Kat corporations like Disney and Fox.

Although the legislation has been successful in protecting creativity , did we really need it to become so extreme? Why does profit always have the controlling say? Our talents can live on in works of literature ,movies and recordings . Transferring on to different media as it is updated trough invention. Those who create are not so fortunate however . That is to say unless they have the foresight and wish to cheat death like Mr Walt Disney . Preserving themselves in a cryogenic state only to be re animated at a later date when technology makes this possible. May I be so outward to say who would copyright that? Is this why the amount of years hold has changed since 1710 from 28 years to indefinite. Re animate Mr Disney ,let us hope the laws will be in your favor then….

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Copyright: Forever Less One Day

Copyrights are the shield protector of any work created by the originator. Being that the copyright is and can be extended for extra amount of years, means that in the future, the past will always have the title of “the original work”. Original ideas come and go, but “great minds think alike”. There are possibilities of people coming up with ideas that they’ve never seen or heard of before, but being that the idea was copywritten, there’s no way of being able to use that one specific idea. But how easy is it to think of new ideas that are worth “not copying”? For example: in music, southern rappers have no idea of what to do anymore because all the good ideas are taken. What exactly is a “Stanky leg” or “Dougie”? Those are two ideas that are created and worth “not copying”. I rather take my time and create something no one ever thought of, than to create the first thing that comes to mind.

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Fair Use of Media Literacy

First of all, what is media literacy? As stated in the article, it “is the capacity to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms.” Now the fair use of media literacy is when a group or individual can use copyrighted material for media literacy education when it is for social benefit more than profit. But the problem with that is, there will always be people who find information illegally, and used in an immoral way which can affect the details of fair use. My question is, where does the guideline seem to be where it is legal or illegal? And how big is the “gray area” for the terms of fair use? Also, when an enormous amount of copyrighted info is placed into a presentation, how much is too much?

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Copyright is a great way to disseminate anyone’s hard work without going through the pain and trouble of having someone stealing it off of your hands through quick copying and pasting. It is a very important step for any individual to take who wants to rightfully own the concepts and ideas that he/she makes and most likely even the words they have written and/or spoken. As such copyright is a great way to lower the possibility of duplicates in any type of industry may it be the movie, music, or the whole of the media industry. Copyright can also possibly promote originality and creativity, after all who wants to see the same thing over and over again?

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