
Copyright is a great way to disseminate anyone’s hard work without going through the pain and trouble of having someone stealing it off of your hands through quick copying and pasting. It is a very important step for any individual to take who wants to rightfully own the concepts and ideas that he/she makes and most likely even the words they have written and/or spoken. As such copyright is a great way to lower the possibility of duplicates in any type of industry may it be the movie, music, or the whole of the media industry. Copyright can also possibly promote originality and creativity, after all who wants to see the same thing over and over again?

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One Response to Copyright

  1. egonzalez says:

    I agree, no one wants to repetitively see the same thing over and over again, but the same way copyrights have the ability to promote originality and creativity, they also have the ability to stifle it. People can have the same idea but take them in completely different directions. For example an author needs illustrations to accompany his story, he can give it to two artist and then can come up with completely different renditions of the same story. They may both be equally good or one may be much better than the other, but because of copyrights we cant compare George Lucas version of Star Wars to anyone elses.

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