Category Archives: Uncategorized

Search engine

Just like most people when I want to find anything on the internet I turn to Google.  For our research topic Google worked great. . . .for internet sources. For more of a professional look at Social Media Breaking News, I found … Continue reading

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Search engine

When I have to search for information on whatever topic I would go straight to using Google. When I use Google I usually always find good and helpful information but for this research project i used Google Scholar as a … Continue reading

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journal 2

After settling on a good research paper proposal and establishing a good research question, I turned more focus towards finding useful resources. It seems most of my resources will come from the Internet, but it can be tricky finding peer … Continue reading

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Research Journal #2

So on Wednesday we were trying out different ways to search for valid websites for information on our topics. We were more focused on using the advanced searches and searching through scholarly articles to do this as well and I … Continue reading

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As I become more proficient at sifting through tons of information. And as I apply and master  the techniques as suggested by Badke. I am still lost . But I will become the smartest guy in the room on my topic, if … Continue reading

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The Search Continues…

Using every scholarly search engine and website that I can find, even with a different amount of word changes, I’ve managed to get the same result in every scholarly search engine. It’s not easy to find exactly what you’re searching … Continue reading

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The Quest For Knowledge

Finally we have reached the point where we get to put all of Badke’s research tips to the test. Badke makes it look simple… not! While attempting to find viable sources for my research question, “What makes cyber bullying so … Continue reading

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Search Engines

Google scholar made it very easy to search for scholarly information over the internet regarding my topic. It was more concentrated in terms of the searches it gave out and left out irrelevant sources that would usually show up on … Continue reading

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Search Engines…Regular or High test

In looking about on the search engines of Yahoo, Google, Google Scholar and Refseek I found a distinct difference in the content shown. With the standard Yahoo and Google searches you will get mostly blogs, articles by anyone (usually duplicated … Continue reading

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Searching for Scholarly Research

In class we used many new search engines for scholarly information for our research projects.  One search engine I used was Google Scholar.  I’ll admit, it was very hard to find information using this search.  After typing in search keywords … Continue reading

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