Category Archives: Uncategorized

How To Change a Flat Tire

I figured this could come in handy for anyone that drives a vehicle. A flat tire can happen anywhere and to anyone but if you know how to address the situation it makes things more efficient and avoids panic. The … Continue reading

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Steve Urkel Revisited

I found this tutorial to be quite entertaining although it was superficial at best. The video did explain well how to transform your appearance so that you could look more Nerd-like for example; hiking up the pants, the addition of … Continue reading

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“I’ve always wanted to try something new”. The main thing I’ve always said when I had nothing better to do. When google and youtube became popular and easy to use, many tutorials were posted to many many things. Whether the … Continue reading

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The Challenge

So lately on the internet, there has been people who have decided to upload videos of them doing “challenges” that many cannot easily accomplish. One of these challenges is called the “Cinnamon Challenge,” where someone will put a spoonful of … Continue reading

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How to Knit

Knitting. Every non-knitter that I’ve come across thinks I’m a magician of some sort whenever they see me knitting while traveling. Admittedly, I kinda get a kick every time people look at me like I’m David Blaine or something because … Continue reading

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An Old and Bad Hobby

When I was in high school, I did a lot of crazy things like many other high school kids do. However, I always had a hobby playing with fire, responsibly, and use to do it on a regular basis. This … Continue reading

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Hauptman 7 – 13

  It appears that citing earlier works serves many purposes for an intended piece of literature. Citing someone’s work serves not only to acknowledge an influence but also gives validation to the current work that an individual is working on. … Continue reading

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research in the information age

I understand that the fog is really thick for college students, and I’ve learned that database searching with topic and subject using keywords is up to me. Not all college students are comfortable with this. Like the dynamic interface for … Continue reading

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The Search and picking up the pieces

Spring break, many think of sun, fun and relaxation. Instead its books, research and frustration. I have to say this has definitely been a difficult time though rewarding. I am still tweaking the search engines to give me exactly what … Continue reading

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chap 10 Badke

Briefly reading chapter 10 of Badke I see some good examples and approaches to coming up with an outline for my research paper. As he mentioned throughout the readings about research paper, the first and foremost important approach is to … Continue reading

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