Category Archives: Uncategorized

Facebook Privacy Trainwreck

Facebook definitely has its ups and downs and what dictates these ups and downs are the features included with it. Everything you do that is being broadcasted to hundreds of people(your friends mostly) on facebook is a feature that doesn’t … Continue reading

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Facebook’s TrainWreck.(a mixed bag)

Let me first express how……predictable this article was.Midway through I guessed the author would deviate from his examples and give a “no one knows what the future holds” speech.I was surprised however when she mentioned AT&T’s “Cobot”, (a robot that … Continue reading

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Do we ever really have privacy? No we do not, what ever information you pot on to the internet is really accessible for everyone. Facebook is the most unsafe website I believe because of the fact in how you expose.images … Continue reading

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Facebooks Privacy Trainwreck

Boyd’s “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck” discusses the logic behind why many users were upset with Facebook’s launching a feature referred to as “News Feeds”. With this feature users would login and see updates of the actions, comments and forums their friends … Continue reading

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Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck

Exposure on Facebook is something users, myself especially, dread.  In high school exposure was not such a big thing for me.  I did not care who seen what but now everything has changed.  As you enter the professional world you … Continue reading

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facebooks privacy trainwreck

In the social networking community people create just enough here say to develop attraction from people who crave undivided attention. The social networking allows conflict that jeopardize freedom of speech, decision making, and interest. It develops an attacking, manipulating, and … Continue reading

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Money Makes the World Go Round

In the “politics of research” chapter it was interesting to see the age old saying about how “money makes the world go round” brought to new light and applied to something we are all a part of, and that is … Continue reading

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To pay the piper

As in any field of knowledge you have experts. Experts cost when they are linked to the powerful and large organizations. Realistically this is how the world works. I have the knowledge and you want it. It will cost you. … Continue reading

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Knowledge is Money

In Brian Martin’s article “The Politics of Research,”  he discusses two very important factors in the world today; knowledge and funding.  When someone wants to research more into something, they usually need someone to fund their work, that is if they … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

After reading the article, I agree with Martin’s argument that research in general today is conducted for the benefit of those who can provide financial funding to researchers. Research is expensive (at least, in the real world outside academic grounds) … Continue reading

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