Category Archives: Assignments

Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck

Nomatter what the creaters of Facebook do people will always find someething obscure and unwanted about it.  In the article “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck,” Danah Boyd discusses how in 2006 Facebook inplamented the “News Feed” feature.  This was a way that … Continue reading

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Marshall Online Privacy and Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck

By reading both articles i can now see and understand that privacy is very important. Facebook was made for college studies when it was first made, now everybody is on it, even high school students and adults. It was really … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging homework for Monday 2/27

Today we discussed access to information: personal and institutional. We also discussed the digital divide; click on infographic thumbnail below to see a full-size version. We also divided into groups to spend time analyzing and summarizing sections from the Martin … Continue reading

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Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is indeed power. However, it isn’t power just by itself as Martin stated. According to Martin, it can be a means for obtaining power, wealth, and status. Knowledge can help you gain control of money. Individuals and groups have … Continue reading

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Research And It’s Politics

When the topic was first introduced, I interpreted it as the “behind the scenes” of general research. What I mean by that is the issues from social or governmental parties that may get involved, how research is taught to others, what is … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for tomorrow, February 22

Today we wrapped up the section of the course surveying the Information Landscape with a discussion on Web 2.0, participatory media, and the Semantic Web. We’re moving into Issues in Information and Media next, and tomorrow we’ll discuss access: personal … Continue reading

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I have known Wikipedia since I was in Jr. High School and haven’t used it much. When I started high school all my English teachers would say avoid Wikipedia because of its unreliable sources. And up to this day i … Continue reading

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Charms of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the most common and general sources for information nowadays. But these information comes from unknown and anonymous people/sources all over the web, and with this in mind one may think or even doubt how reliable ‘Wikipedia’ … Continue reading

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Wikipedia In My Eyes

Wikipedia and others alike has grown enormously over the years. There’s so much information on Wikipedia that it’s insane. But the problem with that is that with Wikipedia, anyone can edit and add false information can either entertain some and … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

When i think of the word knowledge, i think about we can do anything in life as long as we put our mind to it. With knowledge we can accomplish anything and do anything that we desire to do, the … Continue reading

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