Category Archives: Assignments

Notes from today, and reading/homework for Wednesday, 3/28

Today we discussed library catalogs and reviewed the guidelines for the annotated bibliography, which is due on Wednesday, March 28, preferably as an email attachment sent to me before the beginning of class. We discussed using some browser add-ons such … Continue reading

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Research journal 2

During our last class session, we discussed about our finding scholarly sources for our research paper. In class I was searching on Google Scholar for sources on my paper. My findings were interesting.  They were different from search on a … Continue reading

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Search Engines

When i was searching for a good source for my research topic i did come across some good searches on Google and Yahoo about information and privacy regarding professional sports. I had about one thousand or more search results that … Continue reading

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The only problem in doing a research paper is finding the topic to write it on. I finally decided to write about Internet privacy and came up with the question “do we truly have Internet privacy or is it all … Continue reading

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Research Topic

Creating and catering a research topic from a list of what the class has discussed over the past few weeks is a daunting task and intimidating knowing that I will be stuck with what I pick for the rest of … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading/homework for Wednesday, March 21

Today we discussed more research strategies and used to map concepts and identify questions and concepts related to your research questions. On Wednesday, we’ll discuss (and do) advanced internet searching, using some of the tools from last week: Boolean … Continue reading

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Developing a good research question and topic

It took me a long time to find a topic that i would like to do research on for my research proposal topic project, i didn’t have a clue on what i wanted to write about at the time. We … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading/blogging for Monday, March 19

Today we discussed the research process, including needs assessment, preliminary strategies, and topic development. As you know, your research topic proposal is due next Wednesday — please get in touch if you want to discuss your ideas. On Monday 3/19, … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading & blogging homework for Wednesday, March 14

Today we discussed the mechanics of searching, including how search engines work, various alternative specialized search engines, and advanced search strategies such as Boolean operators, nesting, phrase searching, and truncation. For Wednesday, March 14, please read Badke, chapter 2, and … Continue reading

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Reading Badke’s Chapter 3 brought up the question “Do you remember the first thing that you have ever googled?” Keywords is the key to getting the search results you want. As Badke state, if you use the wrong search technique … Continue reading

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