Fair Use for Media

Having read the article,  I find that fair use of copyright material is a long overdue issue. This has always been a gray area and it seems it finally is getting the attention it deserves. With more copyright laws than ever, fair use of materials in schools needed some laws or guidelines. The article gave a brief description of the guide that has resulted from numerous meetings around the country and what this whole fair use is about. With an official guide finally being established, it should help clear the gray areas and address any copyright infringements that may have been in question. It’s crazy to see that every little thing needs to be analyzed and dissected thoroughly today with emerging technology and a maturing society. I guess this simple reflects how important publishing various medias is in today’s society. I agree that a guide was needed to  have some kind of leg to stand on and in justifying the use of school material that wasn’t necessarily the teachers. If someone other than a teacher presents a topic that was being addressed in class, than its important that educators can utilize it to help them in class. As long as the instructor doesn’t claim the material as their own, I would think that utilizing an author’s work would actually promote it to future generations.

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3 Responses to Fair Use for Media

  1. mikeferrara says:

    I completely agree with you that it is unfair to not allow schools some sort of regulated way to use material that has a copyright on it. Many important tools that can help in the learning process are purchased by our schools at ridiculously high prices. Is the information worth that much? Maybe some sort of conspiracy? Or is money the only way the world will keep spinning?

  2. Liza says:

    It’s ridiculous that copyright holders would consider educational use of their works to be a violation of copyright laws when schools are really doing them a favor by promoting their work to future generations. The big issue here seems to be that the concept of copyright has been convoluted over the years to play into the fears of creators of original works – that others will “pirate” their hard work for profit or credit.

    As long as teachers give credit where credit is due and that the copyrighted material isn’t used outside educational purposes, why should schools be prevented from using them to enrich the learning experience of students?

  3. Account Deleted says:

    Copyrights certainly form a barrier for school students as ourselves. Not being able to utilize certain articles or books for school purposes deprives us from using it as a resource to help us write our papers. The educational department should be allowed to use all materials for educational purposes without having to pay a rocket high price for them. School is the place for us to learn and I believe having these resources at the tip of our hands should be our student rights.

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