Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Charms of Wiki and Social Networking

I found that text on the use of wiki to be quite charming. It is great that one could use wiki with such ease, and not have to worry about the constant web links to sources that Google brings. Also, … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

When i think of the word knowledge, i think about we can do anything in life as long as we put our mind to it. With knowledge we can accomplish anything and do anything that we desire to do, the … Continue reading

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charms of wikipedia

The charms about wikipedia, it is like the batman and riddler dual. In many cases the  batman is going to fall asleep, get tired, or give up entirely. Until the journey is saved by precise planning and strategic editing the … Continue reading

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The Charms of Wikipedia and The Social Media

When i first came across Wikipedia i wanted to look up my favorite wrestler The Rock, his real name of course is Dwayne Johnson. I found out so many interesting facts about him, one of them was where he was … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging assignments for next Tuesday 2/21 and Wednesday 2/22

Today we discussed non-text media and how the change from analog to digital formats, production, and distribution has changed how we interact with various media. Next week we’ll be discussing participatory media as well as issues of access to information … Continue reading

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The Digital Age of Media – Pavlik

The digital age of media, as Pavlik mentioned, has become a rather overly used term these days. With all the technology now who really has the time to watch the news or gp out to buy a newspaper to get … Continue reading

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Camara Phone and Digital Devices

Camera phones are a big hit in today’s society. According to Pavlik, professional news organizations are looking for photographs, audios, and video captured by lay citizens using their cellphones or other digital devices. Millions of citizen poses devices that can … Continue reading

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Media in the Digital Age

According to Pavlik, advancements in our technology have made it possible for ordinary citizens with a cellphone or digital device to become amateur news reporters if they are on-site witnesses to incidents such as a fire in the neighborhood, a … Continue reading

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No Boundaries

Pavlik describes many variations on digital media and how we as the people are contributing. People are adding to the news content as the on the spot de facto reporter. Many news companies have recognized this and actually encourage it … Continue reading

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The Zening of the recording Moguls.Is less really more?

Making grounds for a pretty sound argument David Malitz writes about an online rock band that defies the norm by cutting out the greedy recording labels. We have seen countless situations where recording artists creativity has been stifled by the … Continue reading

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