We see that there are many ways of showing information. The history of technology to bring the news and information has literally exploded onto us. From the invention of the first pictures to accompany print in newspapers around 1853 to the telegraph, telephone and radio in processing the news. Bringing it to the people faster and better has always been the driving force. It has changed into many forms in the years past. Whenever a new technology becomes available we find many ways to use it. Yet in utilizing it we also take the chance of failure. Like the Orlando Florida Time Warner full service network. Public opinion and desire drives business. If a technology is ill suited to give the public the experience they want it will fail. Still today anyone and everyone has the opportunity to post, blog, tweet, wiki, ad infinitum. The technological opportunities are endless and we are literally on the bleeding edge. Success or failure of technology to media in this information age is like being at the casino at that slot machine.
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