Author Archives: Anna Ye

Anna Ye’s Pre-Site Visit Reflection

In advance of our visit to the Farragut Houses, what are your thoughts on the visit and the observation and documentation you’ll be doing?  What do you feel excited or nervous about? What do you imagine you’ll discover or learn about?

When I think of the word, The Projects, a couple things come to mind- shady or unsafe, crime, low-income. These are all negative connotations, which to be fair was influenced by society. Truthfully, I was quite surprised that our first site visit was going to be public housing, the Farragut Houses. However, through several in-class exercises, including Professor Montgomery’s inspirational story of his time in Rome and Italy, I am beginning to understand the underlying purpose in the course. I am excited that my first “careful observation” sketching experience will be of something a little more unusual.

From how the street conditions are like, to the residents, to the general vibe of the Farragut Housing neighborhood, I know this experience will help me appreciate the tiniest details that we often overlook and to question, to dig deeper into understanding its connection with each other.