First OpenLab Assignment

Your first OpenLab Discussion assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Wednesday, September 1st, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Add a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length.  In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).  In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Don’t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.


  1. mehrunnesaakter

    Hi I am Mehrunnesa Akter and this is my second semester in Citytech. I am still not sure about my major but still looking forward to know what i am interest in. I like to learn new everyday and get knowledge about real world. I also like read short stories specially if is based on true story but i hate to read books unless somebody tell me summaries.

    I like math based on the topic we are doing in class. once If I know how to do it even with lots of number i think of myself as genius but if I lost my focus and after trying many times if i still get a wrong that time i stop liking math. But this semester I will be fully focus and do my work everyday until i am pro at it.

    • Victor Lee

      I can only ask that you do focus on your work every day until you are. Be sure to ask questions in class.

    • TaleahF

      Hello Mehrunnesa! It’s okay to be unsure about a major. College is about figuring yourself out. It took me 2 years to figure out what I really wanted to do and whats I am passionate about. Take your time, It’ll come to you. Also, keep up the positive attitude this semester. With that energy you definitely will be a pro!!

      • Shamia Walker

        I really appreciate the advice because it can be stressful figuring out what would for work for you vs someone else. In most cases your niche would come to you. My name is Shamia by the way nice to meet you! ( I’m fine with Mia)

    • Victor Lee

      I fully expect you to do so now. Sometimes the first step is saying that you’ll do it.

    • Sakar

      Hello my name is sakar and I’m 18 from Brooklyn and I’m a freshman

      • Sakar

        I deleted the rest of the comment off too a bad start. Math was never my strongest subject but I always try hopefully this time math will be a little easier I’ll try not to lose focus because if I lose focus for 1 class I’ll be lost and confused for the rest of the semester

  2. Tania Garcia

    Hi my name is Tania Garcia and I go by she/her. My major is Hospitality Management and I’m working to become a food content creator for companies like Vice, Food 52 or tasty. Currently I’m working on improving my food photography/videography skills. When I’m not pretending to be a food critic I’m reading cheesy romance books, cliche manga series or watching anime. Currently I’m reading Normal People by Sally Rooney which I highly recommend for a realistic romance story. While I enjoy getting lost in an ever evolving story line I also enjoy traveling and will start planning trips when things become safer.

    For the majority of my time in school English had always been my favorite subject with the exception of my junior and senior year of high school. I had the same teacher for both years and his teaching methods made math easier to comprehend. His friendly and approachable demeanor made him a student favorite as well as mine. He taught statistics and trigonometry and while hard subjects they were the classes I looked forward to the most.

  3. Tania

    Hi my name is Tania and I go by she/her. My major is Hospitality Management and I’m working to become a food content creator for companies like Vice, Food 52 or tasty. Currently I’m working on improving my food photography/videography skills. When I’m not pretending to be a food critic I’m reading cheesy romance books, cliche manga series or watching anime. Currently I’m reading Normal People by Sally Rooney which I highly recommend for a realistic romance story. While I enjoy getting lost in an ever evolving story line I also enjoy traveling and will start planning trips when things become safer.

    For the majority of my time in school English had always been my favorite subject with the exception of my junior and senior year of high school. I had the same teacher for both years and his teaching methods made math easier to comprehend. His friendly and approachable demeanor made him a student favorite as well as mine. He taught statistics and trigonometry and while hard subjects they were the classes I looked forward to the most.

    • Victor Lee

      Then I have big shoes to fill if you had such an amazing teacher.

  4. Cg

    Hi, I’m Caitlynne I’m 19 from Harlem NYC. I major in hospitality management. I’m also a chef at a restaurant downtown and I love to cook. I’ve been cooking for my whole life. I also started my own little catering business which i took a break from. I love cooking + the management side to it I’m addition i have an interest in the hotel area of hospitality and hope to get more experience in that. I like to listen to music and watch movies in my free time. I used to competitively swim and have a passion for that too.

    I think math was my favorite subject for many years and I’m still fond of it now. I always did well in it and was in excelled classes in middle and high school. I love algebra, financial algebra and sometimes trig. I don’t really like geometry at all! I look forward to this class to refresh what I’ve learned in the past and hopefully something new.

    • Victor Lee

      I expect to taste your food in the Janet Leffler dining room in a few semesters.

    • Tania

      Hey Caitlynne! I think it’s really cool that you were able to start your own catering business so young. I think it’d really admirable that you were able to do that so young, I have to ask though what kind of food do you serve?

    • fatma saad

      Hi Cg, I like cooking like you, I make different kinds of food , my family love my cooking too much. I think you will do your best in the college because you are studying what do you need and this push you to be successful cook .

  5. Anna Litchman


    My name is Anna Litchman and this is my first semester at City Tech. I completed my associates degree almost five years ago, and decided to go back to school for my bachelors. I am majoring in Facilities Management. It is a large career change from what I am used to. I started working in corporate construction and I enjoy it, so I figured this is a good path to go down. I am very nervous about going back to school after such a long gap, but I plan to work hard and really try my best. My hobbies include reading, working out, trying new foods, board games and playing with animals.

    Math has never been my favorite subject. I would say I have a very complicated relationship with math. I struggle a lot with it. When I first started college I failed a remideal math class FIVE times. It made me really hate math because not only did I feel defeated, but I paid for countless tutors and tried so many different ways to try to understand it. It’s very hard for me to grasp. Maybe because the professors go too quickly or I get embarrassed if I am the one holding the class back while they all get whats going on…But, once I understand what I am doing, I really enjoy solving the problem and I get excited to help others that are struggling to learn it too.

    • Sabrina Josephs

      Hey Anna, I know how you feel. I am in the exact same boat as you. Math really can be a struggle and it can be really frustrating. But, if there’s one thing I want to say to you is don’t be so hard on yourself because everybody’s brain works differently four different things and that’s what makes us unique. We both just have to give it our all and remember that whether we pass or fail, it will never defy who we are as a person. Because at the end of the day we are both awesome.

    • Victor Lee

      Sigh, the unfortunate reality of college… I would love to spend an endless amount of time breaking it down for one student, but we have twice per week.

      Do not hesitate to ask questions of your professors. Even if it somehow gets us angry to an extent, YOU are the biggest advocate for your education now. Go to tutoring also, if you have any questions.

  6. TaleahF

    Helloooo. My name is Taleah, I am 20 years young and I am from Jamaica, Queens NYC. I go by she/her. I am a Health Science major currently working towards becoming a nursing major. Nursing has always been the goal however, when the pandemic began I became discouraged and stirred always from nursing which delayed my process of getting into the program. I’m just glad to say I am back and better looking to purse the career I have always been passionate about. I am currently working full time as well as being a full time student so I do not have much down time. When I do receive down time I tend do listen to R&B music. My favorite artist right now is Summer Walker. I also am very passionate about sneakers and fashion.

    Math has never been my favorite subject to be honest. It’s not really something I’m good at. I have always been an average student when it came to any form of math. The idea of math stresses me out. In high school I took AP statistics and calculus, but failed both AP test. Honest;y, I don’t believe math is hard, I just believe I’m not putting my all into it because I don’t like the subject. However, when I put my mind to something there is always a good outcome. So, I’m coming into this class with a different mindset. So, I hope for the best!!!!

    • Danielle McCord

      Hey, Taleah! The pandemic discouraged so many in both the nursing world and dental hygiene world. Its really great to see that you are back and ready to get out and help. AND working fulltime, that is warrior status. Good for you, girl. I have to agree with you also about math. I never really put my all into it because it gives me complete anxiety but I am on your mindset too. Good luck!

  7. Sabrina Josephs

    Hello my name is Sabrina Joseph, I’m 25 years old and I am majoring in fashion marketing. My dream is to be a fashion illustrator. When I was a kid, I always loved drawing fashion designs and a lot of people would tell me that I was really creative and unique with the designs that I made. But, at that time I didn’t think I could possibly have a career out of it. That’ll change when I turn 13 years old, I looked up online and found out about fashion illustrators, what they do and I just said out loud “that’s what I want to be.” So here I am now trying to reach that dream of mine and achieve it, one step at a time. When it comes to fashion, I’m really passionate about the colors and what they represent and what the outfits says about our personality. I’m also a woman who enjoys music, art, watching YouTube videos. I love to sing and I’m an introvert. I’m also the type of person who can go into deep, thoughtful conversations about life or anything random like for example ” if you had to choose between reading minds or telekinesis which one would you pick and why?” To sum it all up I like to believe that I am a unique person.

    In my honest opinion math has never been my favorite subject, you could say that I’m more of a artsy person then a mathematical person. I do believe math is very important, it’s just that for me math has a lot of steps and it can be quite challenging for me to remember all the steps to each math equation or question. Like if one minute we’re doing a question about fractions and then the next minute we’re doing a question about percentage, remembering the steps for both of them in order to get the right answer can be hard for me. Especially when it comes to taking a test. To put it simply, like many others my brain works differently when it comes to certain subjects. The only thing I can say is that I will definitely try my hardest and do the best that I can do in this class.

    • Victor Lee

      To say that math isn’t art… MC Escher would be rolling right now.

      I do not want this to sound like a critique…

      You bring up a statement that is common to many students that does admittedly irk me to an extent. Thinking about mathematics in terms of “steps”… math isn’t about the steps. It’s applying tools and reasoning to answer questions and solve problems. The steps you take are supposed to be justified by reasoning.

      And, for the record, telekinesis… reading minds is overrated and morally abhorrent, IMO.

  8. Danielle McCord

    Hi! My name is Danielle McCord, I am 34 and married with a dog named Major. I haven’t been to college since I am 19 years old so this is super overwhelming, lol! I am a manager of a dental office in Park Slope which is why I chose dental hygiene. I enjoy reading comic books as I have been collecting them for quite some time. I listen to everything! I do not have a favorite genre of music as I grew up listening to everything. I do have a soft spot for classical. In my spare time (lol, I am Italian and Puerto Rican and the oldest girl so spare time is family time!) I love to watch the ID channel. I cant help it and I know I am not the only one.

    Math has never been my favorite subject. Math and I have had the worst relationship in the world! However, I was also not the best student growing up. I never really understood it. How do you study it? Why are some students smarter at math than me? Why does math come so easy to some people and not me? Its a literal joke in my family; if one of my family members are doing some kind of math they will turn and ask “Hey Dani… what’s the answer?” Massive eyeroll every time. Actually this specific class is the reason why I left college years ago. I just threw my hands up and that was that. Like everything else in life this came full circle! I am hoping this will be the moment when my idea about math changes! It has to be, all in all, because you know my whole family is waiting for these grades already!

    • Victor Lee

      Wait… this one? Quantitative Reasoning? Oh the pressure I feel now… Haha… I expect the best out of you, regardless.

    • fatma saad

      Hi Danielle, I agree with you in every thing you said, one thing that I worried about the college that I spent a long time not studying maybe 6 or 7 years so I am very worried . In same time I proud of you that you returned to studying again after 14 years. This thing encourage me because I have some person in same my case.

      • Danielle McCord

        And I am proud of you too! You are going to do great.

  9. Shamia Walker

    Good afternoon everyone,
    My name is Shamia Walker, my pronouns are she, her, her’s , also if it makes it easier you can call me Mia for short. This is my first semester at City tech and my major is Dental Hygiene. I am excited and nervous about starting college because one its over a zoom call and two the work load is more. i just need to learn how balance and manage my time. Currently I am an dental assistant at a private office. When i first started I had no interest what so ever in the field until everything started coming naturally! Had a little training and was on my way lol. Learned x-rays, setting up and cleaning, all within the first month of working there. On my free time i enjoy listening to old R&B and soul music, sometimes hip hop.
    If I am being completely honest, MATH? that’s one tricky subject for me. It has never been my favorite reason being that every time I think I’m getting the hang of it, there is also a missing symbol or extra step that changes my chance of getting the answer right to getting the answer wrong, that can be frustrating. Imagine putting your best foot forward to get failing grade on a test you’ve been studying so hard for because of little mistakes that can’t even be made up, since rules are instilled for us to get no make up/ revision points.

    • Izabella Lopez

      Hi Shamia, I completely agree with everything you’ve said. I’ve been nervouse yet excited too but this is my second semester here at city tech. Going to college over zoom is not something i never expected or wanted to go through yet here we are. Some advice i can give from my first semester is to just not push yourself over the edge and just take everything one step at a time. Give yourself breaks and don’t do everything at once. Math has also not been my strong suit since coming to college i feel like it was so much easier and came so much quicker to me back in high school. Especially, as you said, with all these rules theres no way to make anything up so if you’re wrong you’re just wrong which really sucks. Hopefully if we take our time and just go over everything really carefully and thoroughly and study hard this can be an easy pass.

    • fatma saad

      Hi Shamia, I am very happy that I found someone like me in the same major ,this your first semester for you and you are very busy in your working, so I know what do you feel . Also, I proud of you that you are working in the same field of your major because it is important for you to gain experience . I think you will do your best in the college because you are studying something you love.

  10. Izabella Lopez

    Hello my name is Izabella Lopez, my pronouns are she/her, this is my second year here at city tech and i’m a health science. I chose this major because I’m hoping to get into the nursing program after this semester. In my spare time i like to do many things. The main thing i do really is watch tv on the weekdays when i don’t go out. I enjoy watching many different tv shows/ genres such a crime tv like criminal minds and law & order SVU, superhero shows like the flash and supergirl, dramas like greys anatomy, and many more. But on weekends and days off i enjoy going outside and being active. I also enjoy visiting family and friendes upstate, in pennsylvania, and conneticut.
    Math has always been my favorite subject. Not nessacarily because i enjoyed it but because it has always came easy to me. I would simply watch my math teacher do something or explain it and i could to it just like them right after. That is until i took my first college math class last year. For some reason math just wasn’t the same i don’t know if it’s because it’s just harder math in college or because it was over zoom so it wasn’t the same but i’m hoping this semester can make math my favorite subject again.

    • Victor Lee

      Sigh, online learning seems to be a burden on us all, but it is a necessary evil at this moment. I hope to make math fun for you again.

  11. Fatma Saad

    Hello everyone, My name is Fatma Saad. I am 28 years old, married and have 3 children. this my first semester at City Tech. I am graduated from Clip program from BMCC then I transferred to City Tech to study dental hygienist. In the fact, there was not my major , my major was education. I graduated from some college and worked as a teacher in an elementary school in Egypt. when I came here to New York City, I had the chance to change my major and achieve my goals. It is very difficult and stressful to be student and mother in same time especially I just gave birth to my baby and got out of the hospital last Friday. I do not have any free time , I am busy all day in doing homework with my kids and cooking .
    Mathematics was my favorite subject in school but I can not get on final grades in it maybe because I am very hesitant to answer the questions, so this was very frustrated for me. Math is very tricky subject and need more attention to can understand it. I spent many years not studying math , so I cannot know if I remember anything from what I studied in Math before or not, but i will try to do my best to excel in Math. Math is very important subject and difficult for many students so I need to study it well to can study it for my children . in Math I like Geometry more than Algebra.

    • Victor Lee

      Fatma, math is what you choose to make of it. Although you might need to speak with me privately after class, OK?

    • Yosif G

      Hey Fatma, congratulations on your newborn! I see you said you were a teacher in Egypt so i’m assuming you’re from there? I’m Egyptian too. I wish you the best with your semester and i hope everything goes great.

  12. Jeremy Jimenez

    Hello, My name is Jeremy Jimenez. This is my first semester at City Tech and my major is Communication Design. Designing has always been something that I love whether is designing shoes, clothes, or even certain logos of sports teams. I am very competitive when it comes to anything I always want to be the best I can be. I listen to all types of music which is one thing many people compliment about me which I also like about myself. I am very hard working and I love when I am getting challenged whether it’s with math that I have trouble understanding something or whether it’s playing sports where I feel I can get better at I always tend to push myself.

    Math has always been my favorite subject for the simple fact that I believe no other subject is harder. I love when I have trouble understanding something because I will research the task that I am having trouble with until I have a full understanding of what is giving me problems. Math has always been the subject that I am a quick learner of. My favorite math term was algebra because of the time I put into it, It made the class feel like a breeze because when I wasn’t in class I was doing algebra on my free time.

  13. Jeremy Jimenez

    Hello, My name is Jeremy Jimenez. This is my first semester at City Tech and my major is Communication Design. Designing has always been something that I love whether is designing shoes, clothes, or even certain logos of sports teams. I am very competitive when it comes to anything I always want to be the best I can be. I listen to all types of music which is one thing many people compliment about me which I also like about myself. I am very hard working and I love when I am getting challenged whether it’s with math that I have trouble understanding something or whether it’s playing sports where I feel I can get better at I always tend to push myself.

    Math has always been my favorite subject for the simple fact that I believe no other subject is harder. I love when I have trouble understanding something because I will research the task that I am having trouble with until I have a full understanding of what is giving me problems. Math has always been the subject that I am a quick learner of. My favorite math term was algebra because of the time I put into it, It made the class feel like a breeze because when I wasn’t in class I was doing algebra in my free time.

    • Victor Lee

      It’s awesome that you love math. It’s even better that you love those moments when you might have problems understanding.

  14. Ashley Rosendo

    Hello everyone! My name is Ashley. My major is business and technology of fashion and I am currently a college freshman. Although I didn’t expect to be remote during college it is somewhat difficult but useful in my daily schedule since I do work. On my free time I like to work on my small business which helps me stay calm and stress free. I chose business and technology of fashion because I’ve always had an interest in how the fashion industry works and how everything is kept running smoothly. I also have a small business of my own that I started a few weeks ago so I find everything I learn helpful. I also like to read and paint on my free time.
    Math has never been my favorite subject and everyone around me knows that! I have always struggled with math and it has taken me weeks to even know the basics. i have had good math teachers such as my high school sophomore year teacher who always helped me but even then it still has been hard for me. Something I don’t like about it is how confusing it can get and sometimes it takes me a while to understand one simple question which can be annoying to some teachers. I tend to be very hard on myself so that affect me a lot. Up to this day I am determined to become better at math because it is complicated but useful.

    • Victor Lee

      Ashley, I expect you to will yourself to be better at math this semester.

  15. Yarely Mendoza

    Hello! My name is Yarely Mendoza. My pronouns are she/her. I’m 17 years old, I’m from Brooklyn. This is my first semester at City Tech. My major is Dental Hygiene. I’m nervous going into college knowing classes are online and knowing that throughout these four years I’m going to be making life changing decisions. Something that I would like to work on would be not pressuring myself too much and speaking up more when I’m struggling. Starting next year I would like to start traveling more. During my free time I enjoy hanging out with friends, taking my younger sister out, and watching crime documentaries.
    I have always had a love/hate relationship with math. Throughout the years I have noticed that the way professors teach math impacts what students understand. Tenth grade was the only year I had a good grade in math class. My tenth grade teacher would always make sure she would go step by step and explained the topics very clearly. However in my other three years of high school I would ask my classmates to explain further because the teachers wouldn’t fully explain. Something I’ve always struggled with would be exams. Although I would study and actually understand I always end up getting nervous during exams which leads me not to do so well.

    • Victor Lee

      Yarely, you raise point concerning test anxiety. It’s probably more common in math students than I’d like to admit, but there’s always help (and City Tech is willing to provide it) if you want to look for it.

  16. Jeremy Jimenez

    Hello, My name is Jeremy Jimenez. This is my first semester at City Tech and my major is Communication Design. Designing has always been something that I love whether is designing shoes, clothes, or even certain logos of sports teams. I am very competitive when it comes to anything I always want to be the best I can be. I listen to all types of music which is one thing many people compliment about me which I also like about myself. I am very hard working and I love when I am getting challenged whether it’s with math that I have trouble understanding something or whether it’s playing sports where I feel I can get better at I always tend to push myself.

    Math has always been my favorite subject for the simple fact that I believe no other subject is harder. I love when I have trouble understanding something because I will research the task that I am having trouble with until I have a full understanding of what is giving me problems. Math has always been the subject that I am a quick learner of. My favorite math term was algebra because of the time I put into it, It made the class feel like a breeze because when I wasn’t in class I was doing algebra in my free time.

  17. Yosif G

    Hello everyone, my name is Yosif and this is my first semester at City Tech. I’m a transfer student from Suny Orange studying to get into the dental hygiene program. When i first started college, I wasn’t sure what i wanted to do but my sister introduced me to dental hygiene and i found interest in it. I worked in a dentist office for a bit and i enjoyed it so i’m looking forward to a future in this field. Besides all of that, i enjoy listening to music and spending time with friends.

    I’ll go with topic 2. I used to hate math when i was growing up but i’ve grown to tolerate/understand it in college. One thing that drastically changed my opinion on math is when i realized what i was doing wrong. I would constantly find myself confused and lost and i realized it was because i’d miss one day of class or not pay attention for a bit and i would underestimate how crucial one day of class is. Once you miss one day, it feels like you’ve missed a month because of how important every small detail is as the subject quickly progresses.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope everyone has a great semester

  18. Abel Roussel

    Hi everyone! My name is Abel Roussel and I’m 20 years old. My pronouns are she/her. Im from Manhattan and this is my second year at city tech. I recently switched my major from Hospitality to fashion and business. During my free time I like to hangout with friends, work out and try new foods/restaurants.

    Ever since I was a kid I never had a great relationship with math. I’ve always been more of a fan of reading and writing. I think what has made it so difficult was that there’s always only one correct answer and you have to memorize a bunch of formulas to do so. Whereas in English classes there are always different answers because things can be perceived in different ways by everyone.
    I do look forward to this class though and changing my perspective in the way I look at math.

    • Jenna G

      Hello Abel! I agree math and I didn’t have such a great relationship growing up. I also love writing and reading more, along with history. I do know that once we study, get extra help if we need it and keep in contact with our fellow classmates and professor we definitely will pass. Just look forward to passing and having a solid semester! Good luck!

  19. Isiah Ruiz

    Hello everyone, my name is Isiah Ruiz and this is my first semester at City Tech. I’m a transfer student from Asa College majoring in communication design. I used to play college basketball at my previous school graduating with my associates in business. The reason I chose communication design because I want to create and sell clothes/art, and among other things. When I first started college I was just hooping but I always had a strong interest in design and garment construction so that’s why I decides to switch majors. I like reading educational books like Rich dad Poor dad, Think and grow rich, and my favorite Sun Tzu the Art of War. Besides all of that I listen to hip hop and I like to go out and do fun activities with my friends.
    Ever since I was young I always liked math because I like money and playing with numbers. One thing about math is there is a lot of formulas and steps to problem solving and that can be a drag at times. However I still have a liking towards math and look forward to learn this semester and continue on. Thank you for taking the time reading this and have a great semester.

  20. Jenna G

    Hi everyone! My name is Jenna Gibson. I’m 19 years old and my major is currently Liberal Arts and Arts. I chose to stay on this path because it was what I most comfortable with and after graduating, ways will be available for me to work with kids. I enjoy reading my Bible, listening to music, sermons, singing, walking and spending time with my family and friends. I love English, Psychology and History classes. My family is from Belize and Bangladesh, and currently live in Brooklyn.

    Math honestly was never my favorite subject. It isn’t really interesting to me and numbers just always scares me a bit. Although it isn’t my favorite I will do what I need to do to pass this course and hopefully get better at it, taking this course with you Professor Lee. It may not become my favorite subject after passing this course but hopefully I do come out with a relief and different perspective that math isn’t so bad or “hard” as I thought of it to be. I do look forward to this class being pretty solid and not so bad. Thank you!

  21. Alice Vidal

    Hello, my name is Alice Vidal, I go by she/her, I am currently 17 years old. I love dogs, especially my Beagle named Luna. I am majoring in Communication Design. I choose this major because I have always had a big interest in photography, so for high school, I went to a CTE high school where my shop class was in Graphic Design. High school really helped spark my interest in graphic design.

    I have always preferred math over any other subject, it always came naturally and easily toward me. I would always do better in math compared to my other subjects. My favorite time during math was learning geometry, I was really interested in finding the angles and would have fun making triangles.

  22. Demetrius

    Hello class, my name is Demetrius Adams and I am 20 years old. I am from a small island in the Caribbean called Anguilla and I came to New York to study hospitality management. Partly, the reason I chose to study hospitality management is because where I am from tourism is the main industry so if I decide to move back I will get good opportunities also every country in the world has hospitality businesses. On my free time I normally work, gym or enjoy watching good series.

    Personally I never had the best of times with mad from a kid however I have always tried my best to maintain. The problem that I normally run into is I have the tendency to forget some steps on how to solve problems during test. So I have to constantly practice math in order to get everything down pack.

  23. Sudipta Sanyal

    Hello, my name is Sudipta Sanyal and I am 20 years old and this is my first semester at City Tech. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh though I have already lived in New York for over 13 years. I major in mechanical engineering, and the reason I chose mechanical engineering is because for someone like me, who has been interested in computers and whatnot, I found myself gravitating more toward the hardware side rather than the software side.

    Math was always a simple subject for me growing up. Coming from a math focused country like Bangladesh, the things we were learning in Elementary to High school was very simple for me. But at some point in high school, I felt a shift in my own ability to do math. Perhaps because I had taken it so lightly, it was hard for me to understand the more complicated aspects of math. Throughout high school, I had felt like I had given up on Math entirely. But now, I have realized a large proportion of my college major requires Math, which ahs given me a newfound reason to learn Math, in order to progress myself and my own career.

  24. Esteven Rojas

    My name is Esteven Rojas I am from Queens Ny, I am 17 I graduated from John Bowne Highschool.
    The major I chose is hospitality management, The main reason i chose this major is because of the culinary classes. I enjoy cooking on and baking on my free time and would want to branch out to the culinary industry. other hobbies I enjoy doing is biking and buying shoes.
    For me I have only really enjoyed math class one year and that was my junior year because he was not only the math teacher but he was the school baseball coach in which I was on. I Felt like I could always ask him for help and he would sit with me and help me out with the work and made sure I fully understood the work. This helped me a lot because I was getting higher grades in math the my previous math classes. it also became my favorite class for that year and I would actually look forward to it.

  25. Esteven Rojas

    My name is Esteven Rojas I am from Queens Ny, I am 17 I graduated from John Bowne Highschool.
    The major I chose is hospitality management, The main reason i chose this major is because of the culinary classes. I enjoy cooking on and baking on my free time and would want to branch out to the culinary industry. other hobbies I enjoy doing is biking and buying shoes.
    For me I have only really enjoyed math class one year and that was my junior year because he was not only the math teacher but he was the school baseball coach in which I was on. I Felt like I could always ask him for help and he would sit with me and help me out with the work and made sure I fully understood the work. This helped me a lot because I was getting higher grades in math the my previous math classes. it also became my favorite class for that year and I would actually look forward to it.

    • Kamayu Vanloo

      My name is Kamayu Vanloo I am from Brooklyn New York, I am 18 years old and graduated early from Frederick Douglass Academy VII. In highschool I pursued many interest such as traveling with my school and playing varsity basketball. Through fund raising my international club was able to raise enough money to send 20 students across the world to Japan and South Africa before COVID 19 took full affect. In my free time I love to watch anime and collect shoes. Which in fact lead me to majoring in marketing in hopes to learn how to understand how to build a shoe business of my own.
      Math was my favorite for quite awhile until 8th grade. Somehow the complexities of it intrigued me and gave me great satisfaction being able to figure out hard problems. Unfortunately I was given a not so enthusiastic 8th grade algebra I teacher who’s poor teaching attitude terribly affected my studies. It was difficult to rekindle my liking of the subject but with due time I was able to get a much better understanding of the material. Hopefully I’m able to stay that focused and become academically successful with this new school year.

    • Kamayu Vanloo

      Hey esteven I’m into collecting shoes too when did you start collecting I started my collection in 9th grade with a pair of space jam 11s

  26. Loraine Rowe

    My name is Loraine Rowe, I am 19 years old and I live in Queens New York, this is my second year at this institution. My major is Nursing and I decided to choose this career path because I am passionate about helping people and I believe that this is the best career choice for me because I will be able to help save people’s lives and in the near future I will be satisfied financially being a Registered Nurse. In my spare time I enjoy listening to R&B and Dancehall music, I also enjoy cooking and going out with my friends and family.

    Topic 1: Mathematics has always been my weakest subject throughout my years in school, However when I was in grade 10 math became one of my favorite subjects, I think I started doing good in this subject because of how focused I was in that class and also because I was determined to understand math, I also had a great math teacher who always made sure that I understood the lessons and she also explained every topic well and spent extra time with my class to go over topics that class was not good at. I’m still not great at math but my teacher was actually the main reason why I started liking the subject.

  27. Jonathan Mirville

    Good afternoon, my name is Jonathan Mirville ,I am from Brooklyn NY, I am 19 years old and this is currently my first semester on my second year at City Tech I graduated from Uncommon collegiate charter high school.My major is business management and the reason I chose that specific major is because I plan on becoming a real estate agent in the future.Normally on my free time I tend to play basketball or play video games when I’m bored or I’m typically at work at target.

    When I was in 4th grade learning my time tables was the time as to when I truly enjoyed math for what it was due to the fact that I was so good at doing multiplication at the time. Honestly the thing I loved about math back then was the fact that it was so easy and easy to understand ,plus I used to show off to adults when I was younger as to how fast I could multiply anything and get the answer correct.

  28. Abigail Patz

    My name is Abbey Patz, my pronouns are she/they and I am majoring in fashion business. I am very intrigued by the industry and how clothing can be influenced by politics or social media. I love designers like Iris Van Herpen because of the use of non-traditional materials. My favorite subjects have always been my literature and science classes. My most interesting class I ever took was about environmental science. I found it very interesting and made me very passionate about things like climate change and how everyday things can affect the environment. I have two rabbits at home named Pippin and Kismet. In my spare time I like to read or play my Nintendo Switch.
    Math was my favorite subject when I was learning Geometry. I thought it was a little more interesting than the other math classes I was in and I also found that I understood it better. For the most part math has not been a favorite subject for me because I find it hard to understand. Other subjects come easier for me but when numbers are involved I get a bit confused.

  29. Ishaak Olougbodi

    My name is Ishaak Olougbodi. my academic interests include nursing, finance and many other things. I’m currently pursuing nursing in the liberal arts and science. I enjoy reading and talking about theology and philosophies related to religion. Currently I’m reading a book called “return to mecca” which is a bit racist. In my spare time, I can either be on clubhouse, watching Netflix or doing many other things.
    There are many different times when math has been my favorite subjects while other times it wasn’t. If I understand the topic or if it is not too hard, then I like it but if it is too hard, then I don’t like it.

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