Welcome to Latin American Literature ! I am Prof. Inés Corujo-Martín, and I am looking forward to working with you all this semester.
This class is an introduction of Latin American literature, from the Pre-Columbian period to the present day. We will not only read and discuss representative texts from Latin America, but also literature produced by (previously) marginalized groups and individuals (i.e., women, indigenous writers, those who did not necessarily conform to the aesthetic expectations of their era, etc.). We will explore themes such as cultural hybridity; nationalism; magical realism; race and language; gender and sexuality; civilization and barbarie; and the ideology of hegemonic institutions that defined and supported a certain ideal image of national or regional values. We will consider the impact of literature and art, and how these creative mediums may serve to reinforce such traditional images, or to reject, redefine, or manipulate them.
On this site you will find a description of readings & weekly topics, as well as links to useful college resources to help you navigate your college experience. Through the OpenLab you will complete weekly homework, participate in the discussion board, and submit all assignments.
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