COMD3504 - Section HE05 - Fall 2021

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Michael Desmangles Assignment 6

In all three of the articles a central theme of change is present throughout. The emphasis of analysis and careful plotting and planning is at the forefront of most of the discussion and it shown to replace the old of design which was “pretty”. Gerstner is the one that explains the mathematical formula of design he states “The typographic grid is a proportional regulator for composition, tables,
pictures, etc. It is a formal programme to accommodate x unknown items.
The difficulty is: to find the balance, the maximum of conformity to a rule
with the maximum of freedom.” The point of creating the grid and creating the morphological box of typogram is the organize the exact purpose of your design. The components down to its size, color, and purpose. This emphasis of grid layouts is explained further with Brockmann.

Brockmann philosophy is centered around using grid layouts to simplify and clarify the design. The complexity of the grid layout is simply to organize the layout of the typography so it’s easier and more concise to the viewer. He states ” Constructivist design that is capable of analysis and reproduction can
influence and enhance the taste of a society and the way it conceives forms
and colors.” In a way Brockmann believes that the grid layout leads itself to being more visually appealing while also not compromising clarity in the design itself. Which is also echoed in Tschichold article as well stating “Above all, a fresh and original intellectual approach is needed, avoiding all standard solutions”

Assignment #6

Tschichold, Gerstner, and MĂĽller-Brockmann believe one should design through the scientific way. The scientific methods are used within design by supporting a better structure. This can be by creating detailed outlines, grids, etc. to promote structure in a design. They define graphic design as a problem solver in a way that is similar to scientists, hence why they believe the scientific ways are how one should design. The organization of finding a problem and the process of coming to the solution is how they see one should design. Structure, formation, coordination, and overall organization play huge roles in all of this. 

Brockmann is known for using swiss typography. The swiss style emphasizes the importance of neatness and comprehension of a design, as well as the design’s objective. He states about the grid system in swiss typography, that it makes things more universal, which is very important for comprehension from many people. This order and methods of graphic design is a classic and ageless method, according to Brockmann. The objective and message behind a design will be picked up easily by viewers.

Tschichold was known for the New Typography movement, which gave people more freedom and versatility when it came to typing. This was during the time that print was coming about and changing society. He overall defined the dismissal of the traditional principles of typography equality. His focal points were on size, color, weight, order of lines, photography, and the shading. 

Gerstner created the “the morphological box of the typogram”, which is a confined partitioned to lattices, which is utilized to create arrangements of typographic logo designs. For example, the letters differ from levels of murkiness to the heading of the tone, the way it’s interpreted can show a sense of different feelings.

Assignment 4 Michael Desmangles

This section of this assignment talks about the importance of distinguishing the tool of design to the designer the bauhuus . The first article focuses on typography while the second article focuses on typography and photography, and finally the last article was more complicated and it focuses on the process of The Bauhuus. The Bauhuss is to explore the creative aspects to designs and help students develop there skills. Introducing ways to sole unique problems with architecture and design.

Typophoto deals with the idea of creating a piece that combines typography and photography into a uniform use of communication and it was stated by Lazlo that “Typophoto is the visually most exact rendering of communication.” It is used to send an exact message with an exact purpose in mind. Typography in it’s media is used in service of the viewer. The goal for most designers is to find away to use typography in whatever to convey a message. It was explained that talks of a uniform easy to understand message was the goal in most forms of typographic designs. To exceed all language barriers to convey the message to anyone who has seen it.

Alex S- Assignment 4

In the past, the arts were only for the rich and primarily meant for art galleries. These designers wanted to bring design and art to everyday life, in order to improve the lives of the general public.

Typography and photography are meant to work hand in hand in order to improve communication. Lithography was a new invention at this time, which allowed typography to be manipulated outside of the linear format of the past. Typography was now able to literally be part of the images in texts. Language helps articulate the world we see and experience around us. When using Typography and photography together we are using language to communicate the images, it gives the designer two ways of articulating their creativity.

The artist should embrace future artforms while simultaneously learning about past artforms to be well-rounded designers. Similar to the method of Bauhaus teachings, art students should learn from craftsmen to be able to experiment more with design and advance design altogether.

Assignment 4

The Bauhuss is to investigate the innovative perspectives to plans and assist understudies with creating there abilities. Acquainting ways with sole extraordinary issues with engineering and plan. Typophoto, which is the visually most exact rendering of communication,  manages making a piece that consolidates typography and photography into a uniform utilization of correspondence and it was expressed by Lazlo that Typophoto is the outwardly most definite delivering of correspondence. This is expressed when he stated,”Typophoto is the visually most exact rendering of communication.”  It is utilized to send a careful message considering an accurate reason. Typography in it’s media is utilized in help of the watcher. The objective for most fashioners is to see as away to utilize typography in anything that to pass on a message. It was clarified that discussions of a uniform straightforward message was the objective in many types of typographic plans. To surpass all language boundaries to pass on the message to any individual who has seen it. Personally I believe, typography and photography play a part in the creation of new art, simply because art tends to copy life. As different both typography and photography evolve art in a traditional sense will evolve with them. For myself as a photographer most of my inspiration comes from comic books, and while it is the opposite of what I said earlier, who says it can’t go the other way around for someone else.  I believe the media should serve as a way to inspire others to create art. Language and communication plays a role in art and design as it gives you a guide for what’s acceptable for your community/Society. Artist should approach the creation of future art forms with wonder, that how I personally approach forms of art that’s new to me. 

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