Required Tools: Camera, model, clamp light
Location: Inside a darkened room, and inside near a window
Duration: 60 minutes

This week’s lab session will continue from last week’s portraiture session, and will also incorporate the lighting techniques that we examined the previous week. We’ll look at some of the ways that lighting can create a mood or emphasize particular qualities in your sitter.

Work with a family member, friend-in-your-pod, or use yourself as the model, to create interesting portraits using artificial light sources.

Create a studio arrangement in your home with appropriate seating, a backdrop, and enough room to work comfortably with your subject to compose portraits. Experiment with your clamplight to light the subject’s face in different ways. Try to create Rembrandt Lighting, Direct or Butterfly Lighting, Split Lighting, Broad Side and Short Side Lighting. Add a second clamp light or move close to a window for fill light if possible. Remember to pay attention to framing, shooting close-up.

Shoot at least 20-30 images and upload them to Flickr. Share your best 3-4 with our group. Create a new post in our OpenLab course with your best images.