What is the concept behind your series? How has the idea taken shape or changed as you set out to begin shooting?

The concept behind my series is to show that there always 2 sides to a person weather it’s a tomboyish type of vibe or a girly type of vibe there’s always 2 sides to a person. Well at first I had no idea what I was going to do but once I got to shooting it became better and it’s great way to see how far along i’ve come. The more you shoot the more it will get easier and you will know what to do.

What inspired you to pursue this idea? What particular photos are you thinking about (from class or from anywhere else in your life) as you’ve begun shooting? Do you have any painting, design, or other non-photographic visual references in mind for the project? Are there any particular styles that you are attempting to emulate?

One of the people in class gave me the second idea of shooting on the beach to capture another type of vibe and since I already did a tomboyish look I decided okay now I have to show a girly side of her because there’s more to her than her tomboyish side because when she dresses up she dresses up nice you know so I wanted to capture the encessence of that. To be honest I don’t know and no I don’t have visual refrences in mind for the project. I don’t know I guess i’m trying to show that here’s this skater girl who is tomboyish but also has a girly/punk type of vibe.

How did the first week of shooting go? Did you encounter any difficulties or setbacks as you began to shoot? Have any parts of your series proved more difficult than anticipated?

The first week of shooting was alright it was a little over whelming because I was thinking who can I choose for this project and where I was going to shoot it it was a lot but at least we got it now. I did have minor setbacks because I had to do other things as well so I was busy most of the time but I made time to get it done which is the important part. No any parts did not prove difficulties than I anticipated.

Which images is your group most excited about? Are there particular qualities of those images that you can pinpoint or define? Can anyone in the group clearly state why they’re reacting to these particular images?

I’m actually excited about a lot of them I captured some really good ones. I don’t know if I can pinpoint them but the ones with the tree work every well to me. I think they can but i’m not every sure.