Our first objective for this course, which is sort of just an extension of the first class session, will be to create a short video introduction.
While we are unable to all come together to meet in a single room, we can try to use the resources we do have to create something of that interpersonal experience. The goals for this exercise will be to tell everyone a little bit about yourself, and to meet everyone else that you’ll be working with through the semester.
Please record a short video providing the following information:
– Your name and preferred name
– Where you are filming the video (Go somewhere interesting but wear a mask if filming in public!)
– How far along you are in school, how long you’ve been attending City Tech, your primary interests in the COMD program
– Your greatest hopes for the start of 2021
– The last picture that you took, or the most recent picture on your phone
Video files tend to be large. You’ll need to upload to Flickr first (or YouTube,Vimeo, etc.) then embed the link into a New Post by clicking the + box, locating Video, then selecting “Link”. (We’ll review Posting instructions in class on Feb. 2)
Finally, the most important part of the assignment: Watch all of your peers’ videos! You may need to check back through the next few days if you upload yours right away.
Here is mine. Hope you enjoy:
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