Be creative and be unique is the key for me, and I have been filming wedding for almost more than 2 years, so I decided to choose Jerry Ghionis work, and choosing a picture from his work was not easy, he is so talented, and all of his work looks great.

I chose this specific picture because it seemed unique to me. Bride and Groom look like they are inside the magical mirror from ancient time. Composition for this image is so unique, it fills all for grids of the image, on one side we see our bride and groom, on other side we can see stair case. It is such a simple picture with such attractive aspects in it. especially the framing for bride and groom, and the lighting which looks like it is a boom strobe coming from the top working as key for their faces, and than some lightroom work to bring more life into couple’s as they are the main aspect of the picture.


  1. Pete Labrozzi

    Yes! Great choice. Jerry is an amazing wedding photographer. I attended a seminar with him and he is truly a genius. So much works well in this photo. Remember what we discussed for drawing in the viewer’s eye? We immediately look to the bride’s face, aglow with light, while everything else is shrouded in near darkness. As we explore the rest of the image we also discover all these other great elements. This is also a great example of frame within a frame, within a frame. They are framed in the mirror which in turn is framed by its surroundings such as the staircase.

  2. Ketak Dhiman Post author

    Thank you for the quick response, and I see another smart element in the picture. LIGHTROOM! as soon I see the picture, I was trying to read how he has done the lighting for the picture. I was like wow! he is really good in lightroom too. I am looking to start using lightroom, and bring my pictures quality to another level.


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