Reflection #3: INDUSTRIAL REV

This week’s lecture was about the Industrial Revolution and it’s relation to art and design. The Industrial Revolution began in 1760 to between 1820 and 1840. It began in England because of the abundance of coal and iron which gave them the means to mass produce goods—which needed to be marketed hence design coming into play as a marketing tool and connection between the consumers and the product being marketed based on what the consumers would like.

Ivory soup was one of the very first add, whimsical but simple ans straightforward, it was a hit. Some of the first products marketed were designed with the Victorian era in mind for Queen Victoria. The style mimicked what she stood for, proper, beauty, grace and modesty to model her values. This aesthetic used babies as a marketing tool early on, learning that a baby can sell just about anything. The Victorian era style was clean and concise, showing the product they were advertising- their color choices were simple and non-flashy, again, portraying a kind of modesty the queen held.

With the rise of photography and lithography—(an art form of transferring ink to stone using oil and other chemical compounds) advertisements came in masses. Around this time the modern CMYK printing format came about which made prints more vibrant and consistent. CMYK is still used today in modern printing techniques and has stood the test of time. It’s amazing to think CMYK came about such a long time ago. Another design style was that of Baroque, overly designed, extravagant designs like those that adorn castles from long ago. In class, we also learned that Harper Bazaar magazine and publication dates way back to the early 1800s and has expanded throughout it’s years to cater to more demographics.

That was amazing. Fat faces, a type style that was very elegant like the modern serif faces popular today, it was created by Robert Thorne and rose in popularity for good reason. A slab serif like face also came about that were called Egyptian faces and Tuscan style which used ornaments and curves. Both of the serif types were very popular for good reason.