Company Culture and Covid #4

The culture of UFE is clean cut, easy and an environment that encourages one to be curious. The chairman goes out of his way to let staff know that they can come to him for anything and with complaints even if its about him. He loves UFE and puts so much passion into this company. Everything’s remote and many workers are not in the same country. At the same time its very friendly and welcoming and my supervisor encourages us to suggest ways to bond. Because of COVID-19, we did not meet in person, only through weekly ZOOM meetings in which the chairman reviewed the organization’s goals and milestones. For the first meeting I was a few minutes late as I wasn’t familiar with the format of Office and how it schedules events. After this, I made sure to come early and also tried my best to be attentive and make suggestions as instructed. Overall, I like working remotely. I can wear what I want and plan my schedule accordingly. I know many people miss the face to face interactions but truthfully, as an introvert, I wasn’t affected by the lack of office hours.

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Source: Zoom Blog