On a typical internship day, I wake up at 8AM review assignments and note my process. If I’m starting a new project I ask the head of my department as much as I can to make sure I clearly understand what’s needed. I’m grateful the head of my department is readily available to answer me. I’m learning that asking questions is really helpful as a designer– in classes I didn’t a as nearly as much as I do now and I wonder why because now that I have my work has less errors and I really understand.
Something I learned from this project is that attention to detail is very important and although a design is solid, putting in relevant holidays can be a mixed bag of what’s important at what isn’t. By the end of this assignment I had ten versions! I also learned that being organized really helps the process of vetting which design works and the alternate versions just incase they are seen to be better than the final. This project has so many layers and so much detailing. I’m happy with the way it came out because I’ve always wanted to design a calendar but by the end of it all the text looked unreal to me because I stared at it for too long.