Announcements for Thursday, November 14

Dear class,

Thank you for your hard work and informative presentations today. I hope you feel excited about sharing your insights with future Gothic lit students.

Below are some notes available in the In-Class Board Notes. I have included them here so that you can keep track of changes to the schedule.

250 word reflection: please incorporate your observation notes into your reflection. The reflection will thus include both your initial responses to the space and your description of what you learned through doing work on the project. Post by 5 pm 11/15 on the Gothic Spaces website! You will need to join the website first – I sent an invitation. (Select the appropriate category, e.g.: “Gothic Spaces F19: Real World Space.”

Things to fix/revise for Gothic spaces presentation documents (now due Tuesday 11/19)

SPEAKER NOTES: think of these as a condensed “script” contextualizing your particular slide (3-4 sentences). Does not have to be verbatim; purpose is to guide a general audience/future Gothic Lit students. However, think about whether you are unpacking analytical claims in these speaker notes.

ATTRIBUTIONS: works cited as well as parenthetical in-text citations for direct quotes or paraphrases.
-Make sure your own name is attached to your slides.

PUBLISH TO WEB: please send me that link (File—>Publish To Web)

GENERAL PROOFREAD: Look over your slides for “cleanness” and/or typos. I would also consider thinking about the focus of the slide.

If you’re confused about how to do any of the above, please rewatch the video guide, which addresses most if not all of these topics. Slow down as needed.

Please bring Beloved to class. You don’t have to have read it beforehand, but we will begin discussing it.

Thank you,

Professor Kwong

Gothic Spaces: Some notes on presentation + notes

Hi all,

Hope you are well. Thank you to everyone who submitted their group’s work and/or their notes today. Some general feedback:

  1. I’m a bit concerned by how few people have completed observation notes on their group’s space. The assignment directions read: “1 page minimum of notes you’ve taken as you explored the space, either
    virtually or physically.” We discussed these notes last week and I provided a detailed handout elaborating on what to look for in your observations. They should record your own responses to features of the space, whether you’re observing it via video or playing a game.  As always, when you are confused about the requirements for a given assignment, please contact me directly.
  2. Please include “in-slide” citations that can be cross-referenced with the works cited page. The procedure is the same as that of an essay: next to a direct quote or paraphrase, please include the author’s name in brackets, and, where relevant, page numbers.
  3. The script of what you want to say should go in the speaker box, not on the slide itself. Exploit the visual nature of the slide – it’s fine to include text there, but don’t overwhelm the viewer.
  4. I’ve included more specific comments in each slide presentation, so please check there for further details.

Looking forward to seeing your presentations on Thursday!


Professor Kwong

Instructions for November 12 class

-Go to the computer lab in the General building or a computer in the Library. Log in and open up your common Slides presentation. By the end of today’s class:

A. Please upload a JPG of your observation notes to Dropbox. I am expecting a minimum of 1 page of notes detailing your observations of the space. You can resubmit on Thursday if for whatever reason your observation notes need extra work.

B. Also, each member of the group should be granted access to the Slides presentation. Each member should have 1 slide in progress by the end of the period. At a minimum, your slide should include:

1) A header;

2) One image, video, diagram (still from video game or film? Screen shot of text? Illustration from early edition of text? Blueprint? Exterior shot of real location? Interior image?)

3) a brief caption indicating its relevance to your part of the presentation + link;

4) 3 bullet points in the Speaker Notes that will eventually become your script, in which you expand on the significance of the image. Quality over quantity: when identifying historical or architectural details, try to be specific. Include your name in the speaker notes.

Eventually, each member should aim for a minimum of 2 slides in the presentation. Also, each group will need to include a properly formatted citation for this source in your works cited page.

You can watch this video for reference as you begin constructing your presentation.

C. One person from each group should send me a link to the in-progress version of the presentation (click on the “Share” icon in the right upper hand corner, NOT “publish to web”).

-Missing slides will result in participation demerits. Extra work beyond the above will earn extra participation credit.

-Write me by email during the period if you have questions!

Thank you for completing your revisions; Gothic Spaces video

Dear class,

Thank you for completing the revision of Essay 1!

As you continue to put together your Gothic Spaces presentations this weekend, I’ve created a video to help you through the process. You can watch it here. Please bring all material you have related to the presentation (including printouts of any relevant sources!) to Tuesday’s class.


Professor Kwong



“There were the Great Old Ones that had filtered down from the stars when earth was young-the beings whose substance an alien evolution had shaped and whose powers were such a this planet had never bred. And to think that only the day before Danforth and I had actually looked upon fragments of their millennially fossilized substance….and that poor Lake and his party had seen their complete outlines…”


This paragraph connects to Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and his description of the origins of count Dracula. Dracula was the one that fought against the Turks in a bloody battle with great strength and tenacity brining victory to his people. Such strength and power was not seen by anyone and perceived as supernatural given to him by a higher being.

Announcements: Nov 5

Hi class – below are some notes on upcoming dates.

-Bring Gothic Spaces Observation notes in-class on Thursday. Use the how-to guide to direct your attention. (The full assignment description is available here.)

-Revision due online by Dropbox, 5 pm, Friday. For an extra pair of eyes, Writing Tutoring is recommended ( Break it into stages and focus on the process, not the end result! Video on literary analysis available here.

-Ask me for blog feedback if you want it

Announcement for class tomorrow; video on lit analysis

Hi class,

Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be working on our revisions of Essay 1. Please bring all the work you’ve completed on this revision to date, as well as the relevant texts you’re using. If you haven’t already, you should also begin taking notes on your group’s Gothic space.

Also, as a guide for your writing process, I created a video that recaps last week’s discussion of how to structure literary analysis. Feel free to rewatch as necessary. (There are some particularly useful tips at the very end of the video!)


Professor Kwong

Group 3 Clue- Christina

What kind of attitude does Dyer take towards the Elder things( disgust, admiration)

“when Danforth and I saw the freshly glistening and reflectively iridescent
black slime which clung thickly to those headless bodies and stank obscenely with that new unknown odour whose cause only a diseased fancy could envisage—clung to those bodies and sparkled less voluminously on a smooth part of the accursedly re-sculptured wall in a series of grouped dots—we understood the quality of cosmic fear to its uttermost
depths. It was not fear of those four missing others”

At the mountains of Madness , this part of the passage shows abjection. Dyer looks at the body in disgust  and had the look of a un-dead corpse with black slime and some form of dots which indicate that the creature had some sort infectious disease. This passage gives clue where in the tunnel the other crew member went missing and now to see all that headless bodies that are decaying and has a stank waste. Dyer shows a form of hesitation as he observes the madness that is in front of him. This Gothic space as Lovecraft describes as a tunnel as vaulted and arch passage ways  that are dark and  cold.

blog group 3-Connect

“The fact that they covered their vertically inhumed dead with five-pointed inscribed mounds set up thoughts in Danforth and me which made a fresh pause and recuperation necessary after the sculptures revealed it. The beings multiplied by means of spores—like vegetable pteridophytes, as Lake had suspected—but, owing to their prodigious toughness and longevity, and consequent lack of replacement needs, they did not encourage the large-scale development of new prothallia except when they had new regions to colonize”

What is the significance of the five-pointed shape?

This five pointed shape signifies protection and strength.  With these long sharp spikes if anyone decided to attack them it is likely impalement would follow. The life form uses this shape to keep out all those that may come trying to conquer the life and world they have built. This also shifts the point of view from being one of taking over a civilization to being frightened of this civilization because they will not go down without a fight, they are prepared to fight to the death. In fact it shows these travelers that their attempt to take over will not be easy, actually it will not be possible. This discovery that the narrator and his Colleagues thought would be as simple as planting a flag and taking over has been met with spikes that could end their very existence.

One reading that I believe this connects to is Dracula. The count takes over a ship draining it’s sailors one by one on his way to the new land he hopes to build his growing civilization. But he is met with warriors who are ready to fight him to the death. Van Helsing, Jonathan, Mina and Quincy meet him at his destination in order to stop him from hurting anymore people. The threat on their civilization like that of the life form in The Mountains of Madness become one in the same. They are not willing to just let someone come along and plant a flag. They do not believe in letting The Count destroy everything that has been built with the hands of this community. Using not only themselves as a symbol of this but also the knife that is used to aide in ending The Count’s life. Therefore ending the threat of a hostile take over.

Group 3 Create

a) the scene where Dyer + Danforth are being chased by a Shoggoth

Quote: “So we glanced back—simultaneously, it would appear; though no doubt the incipient motion of one prompted the imitation of the other. As we did so we flashed both torches full strength at the momentarily thinned     mist; either from sheer primitive anxiety to see all we could, or in a less primitive but equally unconscious effort to dazzle the entity before
we dimmed our light and dodged among the penguins of the labyrinth centre ahead. Unhappy act! Not Orpheus himself, or Lot’s wife, paid much more dearly for a backward glance. And again came that shocking, wide-ranged piping—“Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!” I might as well be frank—even if I cannot bear to be quite direct—in stating what we saw; though at the time we felt that it was not to be admitted even to each other. The words reaching the reader can never even suggest the awfulness of the sight itself. It crippled our consciousness so completely that I wonder we had the residual sense to dim our torches as planned, and to strike the right tunnel toward the dead city. Instinct alone must have carried us through—perhaps better than reason could have done; though if that was what saved us, we paid a high price”.

My take on it all: The shoggots are these black bubbly creatures with eyes and tentacles that they can expand to however long they want to. I tried to capture the faces of the characters, to show how frightened they were. This is the perfect example of the fantastic hesitation and terror because they know what these creatures are capable of doing so far so what could this mean? Are they going to escape this god forsaken place or are they going to die like lake and his men?

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