blog group 3-Connect

“The fact that they covered their vertically inhumed dead with five-pointed inscribed mounds set up thoughts in Danforth and me which made a fresh pause and recuperation necessary after the sculptures revealed it. The beings multiplied by means of spores—like vegetable pteridophytes, as Lake had suspected—but, owing to their prodigious toughness and longevity, and consequent lack of replacement needs, they did not encourage the large-scale development of new prothallia except when they had new regions to colonize”

What is the significance of the five-pointed shape?

This five pointed shape signifies protection and strength.  With these long sharp spikes if anyone decided to attack them it is likely impalement would follow. The life form uses this shape to keep out all those that may come trying to conquer the life and world they have built. This also shifts the point of view from being one of taking over a civilization to being frightened of this civilization because they will not go down without a fight, they are prepared to fight to the death. In fact it shows these travelers that their attempt to take over will not be easy, actually it will not be possible. This discovery that the narrator and his Colleagues thought would be as simple as planting a flag and taking over has been met with spikes that could end their very existence.

One reading that I believe this connects to is Dracula. The count takes over a ship draining it’s sailors one by one on his way to the new land he hopes to build his growing civilization. But he is met with warriors who are ready to fight him to the death. Van Helsing, Jonathan, Mina and Quincy meet him at his destination in order to stop him from hurting anymore people. The threat on their civilization like that of the life form in The Mountains of Madness become one in the same. They are not willing to just let someone come along and plant a flag. They do not believe in letting The Count destroy everything that has been built with the hands of this community. Using not only themselves as a symbol of this but also the knife that is used to aide in ending The Count’s life. Therefore ending the threat of a hostile take over.

One thought on “blog group 3-Connect”

  1. I agree with you on when you plant the flag the country as a whole feels more proud. Therefore, the five pointed shape was the beheading of the Elder Things to show their master that they were more powerful.

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