Beloved 256-324

“Everybody knew what she was called, but nobody anywhere knew her name.  Forgotten and unaccounted for, she cannot be lost because no one is looking for her, and even if they were, how can they call her if they don’t know her name? Although she has claim, she is not claimed. In the place where long grass opens, the girl who waited to be loved and cry shame erupts into her separate parts, to make it easy for the chewing laughter to swallow her all away.” (323, Morrison)

Beloved is clearly somewhere unfamiliar where no one cares to remember who or what she is. She is a long lost memory in the hearts and minds of those who tried to show her love; that especially of Sethe who tried to prove to her that she loved her and explained why she had to kill her from the hands of the slave masters.

Beloved was never satisfied at any point. The passage shows that Beloved is in a mental state of depression. Somewhere lost and deprived of love. This can also refer to “The Yellow WallPaper” wherein she needed love and attention and her husband thought she was sick. she was suffering, felt abandoned and alone. Perhaps suffering from postpartum depression. The similarities that Beloved showed which was loneliness, isolated and depressed and longed for love. Beloved seemed like a bad dream that noone wanted to remember. She tried to separate Sethe from everyone to have for herself.  She was selfish. Now Beloved is a lost soul in the minds of who once was known.

The narrator describes the passage as sad as that of a ghost story, wherein Beloved who once was alive in human flesh, blood pumping true her veins is no more in the minds of her people. She is an illusion, a past memory, a fantasy. Clearly an outcome of aberration.

Instructions for November 12 class

-Go to the computer lab in the General building or a computer in the Library. Log in and open up your common Slides presentation. By the end of today’s class:

A. Please upload a JPG of your observation notes to Dropbox. I am expecting a minimum of 1 page of notes detailing your observations of the space. You can resubmit on Thursday if for whatever reason your observation notes need extra work.

B. Also, each member of the group should be granted access to the Slides presentation. Each member should have 1 slide in progress by the end of the period. At a minimum, your slide should include:

1) A header;

2) One image, video, diagram (still from video game or film? Screen shot of text? Illustration from early edition of text? Blueprint? Exterior shot of real location? Interior image?)

3) a brief caption indicating its relevance to your part of the presentation + link;

4) 3 bullet points in the Speaker Notes that will eventually become your script, in which you expand on the significance of the image. Quality over quantity: when identifying historical or architectural details, try to be specific. Include your name in the speaker notes.

Eventually, each member should aim for a minimum of 2 slides in the presentation. Also, each group will need to include a properly formatted citation for this source in your works cited page.

You can watch this video for reference as you begin constructing your presentation.

C. One person from each group should send me a link to the in-progress version of the presentation (click on the “Share” icon in the right upper hand corner, NOT “publish to web”).

-Missing slides will result in participation demerits. Extra work beyond the above will earn extra participation credit.

-Write me by email during the period if you have questions!

Announcements: Nov 5

Hi class – below are some notes on upcoming dates.

-Bring Gothic Spaces Observation notes in-class on Thursday. Use the how-to guide to direct your attention. (The full assignment description is available here.)

-Revision due online by Dropbox, 5 pm, Friday. For an extra pair of eyes, Writing Tutoring is recommended ( Break it into stages and focus on the process, not the end result! Video on literary analysis available here.

-Ask me for blog feedback if you want it

GROUP 3 Clue

“What is the significance of a letter found in a letter in the pocket of the book?”

To me the significance is that there is a story of a secret to be told. The letter is a blackmail letter from the sister of the second archdeacon, saying that she “knows what happened” and to pay her forty pounds. But this letter from what I can tell was never sent. It’s a look into the darkness of greedy, both financially and morally. The finacial aspect is wanting to be paid off for a secret that she has no proof of, which to me it hinted towards knowing there was a murder and by telling the secret people would be disgraced. The moral aspect is this is a church, a holy place where you are supposed to “love one another”, referring to the commandment, “Love thy neighbor”. The significance is also “God is always watching, or even “all you do you will be judged for”. Later on in the story we find the second archdeacon has suffered a similar fate as the first. Which can be interpreted as “practice what you preach” and “what you give is what you get”. Finally I believe the letter signifies that the truth has a way of coming out whether it is from someone’s words or a person’s reaction to the threat of those words.


Boy was it a long trip to Barchester Cathedral ! I am very surprised how big and massive the stalls are here. I did not see the three wooden figures anymore; the cat, figure pertaining to death, and the devil.  As I took a seat in the archdecon’s stall I vividly visualized in my mind where each wooden figure would have been. I was not tempted to touch anything of fear of not knowing what other “curse” could be laying around unknowingly. I definitely felt very terrified, curious, and very tense. I made sure not to lay a hand on anything or fell asleep and mistakenly touched any god forsaken object in such a cathedral. In my view, everything that lays here such be holy, but without a word did I ever question it. I think anyone would be prompted to feel as I did due to the proceeding of such a story.

The writer visited the Barchester cathedral and the wooden figures are no longer around. I would feel as if maybe there are more curses laying around that no one has discovered or were the right candidate for the curse to undergo. Did John Austin think this  was a way of punishing the people who have blood on his hands?

Angel Oquendo

Critical Response: Clue

With throwing out all the knowledge that I have of vampires, it made me realize how strange them and their habits are. Vampires are still scary even if you dont know what a vampire is. They sleep in coffins all day, have sharp teeth that stick out their mouths, drink blood, bite people, are unhealthy pale looking, and more. A vampire’s blood lust is violent and bit of the violence was showcased in chapter 11 when Renfeild attacked Seward. Renfield attacked Seward and cut his wrist with a dinner knife. Seward was bleeding everywhere so Renfield dropped to the floor and was licking the blood up like a dog. Science would write off Renfield as being insane and do what they have been doing to him so far, locking him up. 

Vampires have sharp teeth that they use to taunt and suck blood. In chapter 12, Lucy was sleeping and being observed by Professor Van Helsing and Holmwood and they noticed that she looked stronger but at the same time looked like she was dying and they noticed her sharpened canine teeth pointing out of her mouth. I dont think science can explain her condition. I looked up if there were any diseases or sicknesses that cause teeth to grow and sharpen. Doctors would also be puzzled as to how is she dying a slow and unexplainable death but somehow becoming physically stronger. Religious people might say that she is being possessed by the devil because of how scary her teeth are becoming and how she’s sick without a cause or diagnostic. 

In chapter 15, Van Helsing and Seward were doing some detective work on Lucy and went to open her casket on one night and saw that she wasnt there in her casket. The next night they go back to check her casket and shes back in it with even longer vampire teeth. Science and religion can explain this as someone is graverobbing and stole her body and then put it back. Van Helsing is an open minded doctor and first assumed that she was grave robbed but then thought of the supernatural and took into consideration everything that is happening and concluded to Seward that he believes that Lucy is an undead vampire and is getting out of her gave at night to attack people. 

Group 3 Fareena – Create Chapters 10-15

Parents: Oh dear God ! Oh where did you go and who where you with? Are you alright my child?

Child: Mom, Dad I was with the “bloofer lady” translating beautiful lady, she took me by the hand. She appeared very angelic, so very sweet to me. She had such red lips like when I eat my popsicle, very red and pearly long white teeth. Her two teeth at the side are longer than yours ! It was fascinating! I stared at them all the time.

Parents: How you scared us?! Did she hurt you? Was it anyone we know? Have we seen this lady before? Why on earth would you go with a stranger ?!

Child: No mom and dad, I’ve never seen the “bloofer” translating to beautiful lady before. I would certainly remember it.

Parents: What happened to your neck? Did the lady do that to you?

Child: I think she went to kiss me, but now I don’t remember how it got there. Maybe I scratched myself ? I don’t think she meant to hurt me.

Parents: Thats certainly not a scratch, maybe you hurt yourself in the bushes, or while you were wandering about when we found you. Looks like a rat has bitten you, you say she has long white teeth, but Im sure she didn’t want to hurt you or else you wouldn’t be here with us right now. I suppose it was someone who needed company or someone who couldn’t have kids or lost a kid even. So she took you for a day and befriended you. But promise us no more talking to strangers and going with them okay?

I highly think the parents wouldn’t even think it could be something as supernatural as it really was. I think the child would describe Lucy as very beautiful as in the English accent bloofer lady is pronounced as beautiful lady. Lucy was beautiful in life and death because she was proposed to 3 times in one day ! She had to be beautiful, as well as characteristics I would say long pearly white teeth and cherry red lips.

Critical Response Prompts: Dracula, 10-15

Each of the prompts should be answered by at least 1 member of the blog group. Please confer amongst yourselves as to who will write which prompt. Responses should be at least 250 words and posted by 11 am the day of class. Please remember to select the appropriate Blog category before posting.


Throughout chapters 10-15, we learn a lot more about vampirism: how it’s contracted, what it does to the patient, how it can be contained. Try to forget everything you know about vampires, and analyze 3-4 clues from this section that reveal the powers and weaknesses associated with vampirism.  Which of these powers/weaknesses are explainable through science, and which through religion/”superstition”?


Dino Felluga describes corpses as pure examples of abjection, since a corpse “literalizes the breakdown of the distinction between subject and object that is crucial for the establishment of identity.” Abjection is embodied in vomit, open wounds, and other “gross’ violations of the border between life and death.

Find a passage that connects to Felluga’s definition of abjection. It could be a description of Dracula’s home invasion, or Lucy’s deathbed condition, or of Jonathan Harker’s response to seeing Dracula in London. How do physical descriptions, or first person narration, or style choices in any of these passages blur the border between life and death?


Chapters 13-15 introduce the subplot of the “bloofer lady” (beautiful lady, in the accent of English children) who takes local children on walks, and leaves them with bite marks. It’s implied that this is the Un-Dead Lucy, now preying on children.

Create a dialogue in which one of these children tells their parent about what they saw. How do you imagine the child describing the lady? What is the parent’s reaction? Do either of them believe something supernatural is going on? Include 1-2 sentences after the dialogue explaining the basis for your paragraph.