Jeremy Eisner Trip to the Local Fair

“All of this was advertisement, read by those who could and heard by those who could not, and the fact
that none of it was true did not extinguish their appetite a bit.”(57-58)

This passage is quite interesting because it portrays the fact that many slaves could not read, so their hype surrounding the carnival was based on hearsay that was rarely true. In addition, it shows Paul D as someone who did not mind that the attractions he was anticipating were a lie, perhaps being blissfully ignorant, or somewhat optimistic. This may actually relate to the feelings of real slaves at the time where they would attempt to find light among the darkest of situations. The slaves would have to blindly believe many of the things that were passed on around them as fact considering they were not as able to find out the answer themselves. At the same time, belief gave them hope that everything will be okay and gave them incentive to keep living day by day.

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