Announcements for Thursday, November 14

Dear class,

Thank you for your hard work and informative presentations today. I hope you feel excited about sharing your insights with future Gothic lit students.

Below are some notes available in the In-Class Board Notes. I have included them here so that you can keep track of changes to the schedule.

250 word reflection: please incorporate your observation notes into your reflection. The reflection will thus include both your initial responses to the space and your description of what you learned through doing work on the project. Post by 5 pm 11/15 on the Gothic Spaces website! You will need to join the website first – I sent an invitation. (Select the appropriate category, e.g.: “Gothic Spaces F19: Real World Space.”

Things to fix/revise for Gothic spaces presentation documents (now due Tuesday 11/19)

SPEAKER NOTES: think of these as a condensed “script” contextualizing your particular slide (3-4 sentences). Does not have to be verbatim; purpose is to guide a general audience/future Gothic Lit students. However, think about whether you are unpacking analytical claims in these speaker notes.

ATTRIBUTIONS: works cited as well as parenthetical in-text citations for direct quotes or paraphrases.
-Make sure your own name is attached to your slides.

PUBLISH TO WEB: please send me that link (File—>Publish To Web)

GENERAL PROOFREAD: Look over your slides for “cleanness” and/or typos. I would also consider thinking about the focus of the slide.

If you’re confused about how to do any of the above, please rewatch the video guide, which addresses most if not all of these topics. Slow down as needed.

Please bring Beloved to class. You don’t have to have read it beforehand, but we will begin discussing it.

Thank you,

Professor Kwong

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