Announcements for weekend of October 25

Good to see you and reflect on ruined cities, as well as why people read horror, yesterday.
For the weekend:
Each group should have 1 representative write me to confirm their group’s choice of video game, real-world NYC space, or film, by 5 pm today. You may have let me know already, but please confirm so that I have a record – thank you!
Comments on this week’s critical response is due by 5 pm today. Since there’s only one post, only 1 comment is due this week. Try to engage with previous posters’ comments.

Read and annotate “At The Mountains Of Madness,” sections VI-IX. This time please annotate once per section in the Google doc. Use the handout on analysis tips to guide your analysis if you feel stuck; you can use the audiobook as well.

Blog group II, please complete a critical response on this section based on the prompts. Pick one of the prompts and respond by 11 am on Tuesday.
I’ll have comments and provisional grades on Paper #1 back to you on Tuesday. As I said, you will have the chance to revise for a higher grade. See you Tuesday!
Professor Kwong

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