Boy was it a long trip to Barchester Cathedral ! I am very surprised how big and massive the stalls are here. I did not see the three wooden figures anymore; the cat, figure pertaining to death, and the devil.  As I took a seat in the archdecon’s stall I vividly visualized in my mind where each wooden figure would have been. I was not tempted to touch anything of fear of not knowing what other “curse” could be laying around unknowingly. I definitely felt very terrified, curious, and very tense. I made sure not to lay a hand on anything or fell asleep and mistakenly touched any god forsaken object in such a cathedral. In my view, everything that lays here such be holy, but without a word did I ever question it. I think anyone would be prompted to feel as I did due to the proceeding of such a story.

The writer visited the Barchester cathedral and the wooden figures are no longer around. I would feel as if maybe there are more curses laying around that no one has discovered or were the right candidate for the curse to undergo. Did John Austin think this  was a way of punishing the people who have blood on his hands?

3 thoughts on “GROUP 3 CREATE”

  1. I like this writers perspective on not wanting to touch anything and thinking that everything is holy. If it is holy then then writer should not feel the need to examine the object. I do agree with you on the fact that there are probably more curses laying about the Cathedral that have yet to be discovered. If the spirits of the 3 statues were bad, who knows what else the Cathedral can have.


  2. Yes the statues were moved and I feel like most of the things would be moved from the place as years go by as they can become old and unknown to people so they would change the looks of the place. I feel like if someone was to visit the place now they would not experience the same objects that we have read about but more modern things available. But I also might be wrong.

    1. People visiting the place now would not really change much in the metaphorical sense. At the end of the story, the old church items are mostly trashed and replaced with the exception of some old statues and other details. In modern times, maybe the things that replaced the old items originally have now been replaced themselves, while those old statues among other things remain as is after centuries.

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